Israel opens a consulate in Joburg
As part of their efforts to accommodate and be more accessible to the general public, and in order to expand consular services, the Embassy of Israel in Pretoria has now opened a regular consulate office in Johannesburg.
According to Aviad Hefetz, the consul, the Embassy was excited to improve and increase consulate services in South Africa, making these services more easily available.
“We are looking at further expansions in the foreseeable future,” said Hefetz.
This Consulate office will operate from Beyachad in Elray Street, Raedene one day a month and the public will be able to make appointments by e-mail for meetings and the various consular services.
The first date for such services to be provided to the public in Johannesburg, will be Tuesday November 12. The office will be open between 09h00 and 12h00.
To make an appointment, e-mail the Consul Aviad Hefetz, on consular@pretoria.mfa.gov.il. No telephonic appointments will be made. The e-mail should provide the following information: Full names, passport number, date of birth and the reason for the appointment.
* For more urgent matters, the Consulate office in Pretoria remains open daily Monday to Thursday, from 09h00 to 13h00 and Fridays from 09h00 to 12h00.

November 19, 2013 at 9:40 am
‘Great News! Yasher Koach!
Will be no need for an octogenarian like me to \”shlep’ to Pretoria to renew my passport.’