
Israel plans to absorb 120,000 French Jews

French Aliyah numbers have doubled annually for 4 years & topped the 2014 list at 7,000. Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky has said he expects up to 15,000 French Jews to move to Israel by the end of this year.




15,000 expected this year

JTA reports today that The Jewish People Policy Institute, a Jewish Agency-affiliated think tank, has composed a plan to facilitate immigration of 120,000 French Jews to Israel.

The plan would prepare for up to 120,000 French Jews to arrive in Israel during the coming four years. The plan cited a rise in jihadist terror attacks and a difficult economy in Europe as causes of increased immigration.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on French Jews to move to Israel following an attack on a French kosher supermarket in early January.

Some 7,000 French Jews moved to Israel in 2014, the most of any country.Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky has said he expects up to 15,000 French Jews to move to Israel by 2016.

Because the immigrants would be leaving a First World country, the JPPI plan involves offering increased benefits and job opportunities to French immigrants upon arrival in Israel.

“The Jewish Agency welcomes all constructive discourse surrounding Aliyah,” read a statement from the Jewish Agency regarding the plan, using the Hebrew word for immigration to Israel. “The activities of The Jewish Agency and of its partners in the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption reflect the range of possibilities and needs at any given time, in order to best address whatever situations may arise – in France as well as elsewhere.


  1. Choni

    January 26, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    ‘This vindicates my conclusion that the all the events of the French episode was to hasten the ingathering of Jews.

    It also discounts Rabbi Goldstein’s analysis about ‘canaries\”.

    The ‘message’  from Hashem is clear.

    COME HOME MY CHILDREN. Baruch Hashem that so many are listening. Pity it has to be this way. I hope S.African Jews will learn a lesson.’

  2. Miggo Wagga

    March 6, 2015 at 6:26 am

    ‘Anyone who thinks that by moving to Israel, French Jews have made themselves safer, clearly has not been reading the news.  Stabbings of Jews, riots in Jerusalem, trucks smashing into Jews at bus stops—all of this exacerbated by Israel’s ridiculous gun laws limiting ammunition and delineating who can and can’t carry a gun.  Thus is the Israeli public left defenseless.  Moreover, Israel refuses to execute terrorists but places them in prisons where they can even receive education.  All the while, so many people tout Netanyahu as a hero for bravely standing up to Obama while failing to note that Netanyahu released terrorist murderers with Jewish blood on their hands, into freedom, and in so doing, gave the Palestinian terrorists the message that Jewish blood is cheap.  Until such time as the Israeli people can elect better leaders than this, Israel will remain one of the most dangerous places on earth for a Jew.’

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