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Israel’s sisters are doing it for themselves
Special Salute
Naturally, women’s rights are a favourite target for those wishing to paint Israel as a discriminatory, pariah state, Rolene points out in her latest blog: Special Salute: Israel’s sisters are doing it for themselves!
Anyone who knows Rolene, an expat South African who, with her hubby and kids, made Aliyah several years ago, will tell you that, outside of family, her two great passions are Israeli rights and women’s rights. Which explains one of her most commonly-used mantras: “We deserve a salute – and a fabulous pair of shoes!”
Roro’s blog this week is especially interesting. She reminds us how Israeli women have enjoyed equal rights since the birth of the state in 1948. “Women’s rights are enshrined in the Declaration of Independence,” she reminds us, which states “The State of Israel will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.”
Women are very much part of the fabric of Israeli society, from politics and the military, to social welfare and education. “Who can forget trailblazers like former Prime Minister, Golda Meir?” she reminds us. And then there is the story of SA-born Alice Miller, a civilian pilot and aeronautical engineer who was rejected by the Israeli Air Force to become a pilot on the basis of her gender.
That is a great story of Israeli democracy. Alice successfully petitioned the High Court of Justice to overturn the Air Force’s decision. Democracy in action!
Special Salute: Israel’s sisters are doing it for themselves!