
Israeli websites attacked by ‘Anonymous’

Israeli website operators & Jewish sites around the world, beware! Cyber hackers affiliated with the infamous cyber terrorist group “Anonymous”, attacked a number of Israeli websites early on Tuesday, with marginal success, according to the Jerusalem Post. The incident was not unexpected as the hackers had issued a warning video last month (SEE THE VIDEO IN MAIN STORY) & it was not the first time that they had “tested” Israel’s readiness to deflect cyber attacks.




Israeli cyber authorities had been advising civilian Internet sites on protective steps they should take ahead of the threatened cyber-attacks, after a video was posted on March 4. In it a masked person announced that Israel’s “games of deception will now be met by the wrath of elite cyber squadrons from around the world”.

The person stated that the hackers would carry out an “electronic Holocaust” on April 7 as hackers from “around the world unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people”.

The video showed photos from last July’s Operation Protective Edge, including clips of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Fourth consecutive annual attack

This is the fourth year in a row that Anonymous has threatened Israel with hacking. Previous attempts have been mostly unsuccessful.

In 2014 the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) opened a special cyber operations room in preparation for the hacking campaign, but found that the Internet offensive produced only minor slowdowns on various official sites. The group very briefly disrupted the Israel postal service and the education ministry websites.

They also published an extensive list of phone numbers and e-mail addresses belonging to Israeli officials.

Anonymous also regularly threatens other countries around the world, including the United States.

1 Comment

  1. M Skikna

    April 8, 2015 at 8:56 am

    ‘Anyone that unites with a people whose military fire at kindergartens, use their own children as military fodder and place their missile launch-pads in civilian sites so that return of fire is seen as disproportionate, while ignoring the genocides by Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and all the like, is siding with terrorists in a so-called cause for destruction of peace and all of civilization. They are political hypocrites distorting and abusing religion. They have corrupted the Q’uran. And want to rule the world in a most terrible way.’

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