
Israelis vow their future will be decided in and by Israel

“Israel is not for sale!” said an impassioned Colonel (res) Olivier Rafowicz to a cheering crowd which gathered in front of the French embassy in Tel Aviv last Sunday night to protest the French Peace Conference.




Israelis gathered en masse to express their indignation and outrage. The protest, organised by Rafowicz, drew a crowd of nearly 200 who arrived with flags and fervour.

So, why protest against the French Peace Conference?

Over 70 nations gathered in Paris on Sunday to discuss “saving the two-state solution” between Israel and the Palestinians. Emboldened by the recent UN Resolution 2334 and outgoing US Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech, countries sent their foreign ministers to discuss possible solutions.

Israel was not included and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing his Cabinet, dubbed the conference “futile”. Notably absent was newly-elected UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

“We are under no illusions that this won’t be biased against Israel. We want peace, but Israel is a sovereign state and a democracy and the road to peace is through negotiations, not through having solutions imposed on us.

“We do not need to be taught a lesson,” said Rafowicz to the cheering and singing crowd.

Rafowicz was joined by a variety of well-known media personalities and community leaders who also spoke about the situation for Jews in France both historical and current.

“I would have liked that 70 nations gathered in Paris, in the presence of Israel, to talk about the real danger of Islamist terrorism threatening the whole West,” he added.

Rafowicz called for the French embassy to be moved to Jerusalem, a move to follow newly-elected US President Donald Trump’s promise to move the US embassy to the capital. Many are hoping he will make good on his word.

Minister of Defence Avigdor Lieberman, had referred to the conference as a “modern Dreyfus trial” that put “not only one Jew on trial, but all of Israel”.

This was reiterated time and again by the speakers who alluded to rising anti-Semitism and how it could be emboldened by the resolutions that support claims that East Jerusalem is “occupied” and question Jewish claims to holy sites like the Temple Mount. Popular French Rabbi Haim Dynovisz, also spoke about France’s role – or rather lack thereof – in other conflicts.

As one Israeli politician aptly said, the conference was as flat as a flopped soufflé.

“The overall message was loud and clear: Israel is not for sale and does not need to be taught a lesson. Jerusalem is our capital. Eternal and undivided. We want peace more than anything but not at a price that compromises our safety,” one of the protesters said.

  • Rolene Marks can be heard daily on the Howard Feldman show on ChaiFM with news and analysis from Israel.

1 Comment

  1. David B

    March 16, 2017 at 11:12 am

    ‘How could it ever be any other way ? 

    Should we wait for the UN  or Kerry to decide for us ?

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