
Users in for R8 000 windfall in Lego prizes
To make sure everyone can participate, we are offering users two ways to win the dozens of free tickets to the incredible “The Art of the Brick Exhibition” by the Lego® which is running in The Zone in Rosebank in Johannesburg, until August 2.
Two lucky families with clever little brick-builders will win tickets for the whole family worth almost R500 – while other users wishing to follow the easier route can still win one of dozens of single tickets. All in all we are giving away tickets worth a whopping R8 000 to our users over the next three weeks. And, with ticket prices for adults at R140 (and kids at R95) making it more affordable, or free, is not too shabby an idea.
SA Jewish Report Online has two family tickets worth almost R500 each to give away and a stunning 50 more single tickets! We will be giving the single tickets away in three weekly tranches – and hold some back for the winners of the family prizes – because, as we all know, Jewish families can be pretty big!
Check out the great SAJR Online revue by DAVID KATZ on THE ART OF THE BRICK EXHIBITION, published earlier this month. The Cape Town Waterfront season had to be extended earlier this year but the Johannesburg season won’t be – because the venue has been booked for the World’s #1 Expo of 2015 – and we’ll be giving away tickets for that one too. But you will have to wait until August before we reveal what it is.
So, here the tachlis on the competition – or, better still, think of them as two separate competitions…
Firstly, SA Jewish Report will be giving away to two families, family tickets that their kids will have to win by building something with ego® – – we’re not talking architectural geniuses here, but ingenuity.
How to win one of the family prizes
This competition requires school-goers to build something with Lego and have a parent or guardian send a picture of it to the South African Jewish Report Online.
Up for grabs are free tickets for two families worth almost R500 each – and we may throw in more tickets if the standard of the winning entries warrants it.
LEFT: Examples of what would be expected from older primary school entrants
How your projects
will be judged?
The competition is divided into two groups: Pre/Primary School, and High School. No parents are allowed, except to send in the entries.
The judging panel is not looking for engineers, geniuses, architects or sculptors – simply for players who use Lego blocks creatively in an age-appropriate manner. Jewish Report is hoping for as many entries as possible because Lego will give us regular product prizes to give away to you if we can show them how many of our users are also their users.
A pre-schooler who can stack 12 blocks on top of each other with a consistent colour combination may even win. All entries will be adjudicated with the age of the builder in mind.
Even a Lego set built according to their wonderfully illustrated diagrams, can win. The entry does not have to be a marvel of ingenuity.
How to enter competition #1
- Only school-children can enter this competition;
- Entrants must have permission of a parent or guardian to enter;
The competition is divided into two groups: Pre/Primary School, and High School;
- Each of the two categories offers one winner a family-pack complimentary ticket worth almost R500;
- To enter, you have to build something creative out of Lego bricks (please note no other similar brands are applicable);
- Have a parent take a picture of your entry and e-mail it to online.editor@sajr.co.za with the subject line LEGO COMP – this will automatically be considered parental permission to enter;
- Your entry must state YOUR name, the name of your school and your age;
- It must also include a close-up picture of your project and a telephone number of your parent/guardian or your nominee (see rule 14);
- (Tip, for inspiration read DAVID KATZ’s revue here: THE ART OF THE BRICK EXHIBITION);
- If you are not already a FREE subscriber to SAJR Online, enter either your (or that of the parent or guardian who has submitted your entry picture)’s e-mail address in the green box on the right hand side of this page.
- ONLY REGISTERED SUBSCRIBERS CAN WIN. As a subscriber you get the ePaper every Wednesday evening, together with a newsletter and links to stories on the website that do not appear in the newspaper – as well as regular competitions;
- If you do not want to remain a subscriber once the competition winners are drawn, every week’s newsletter has an option to “unsubscribe”;
- Winners will be responsible to collect their tickets from the SAJR office in Johannesburg Road, Lyndhurst, unless an SAJR staffer lives close to you;
- If you live outside of Johannesburg – or even SA – you are welcome to enter on behalf of a friend or family-member in Johannesburg who can use the tickets – but you must nominate who they are and their contact details on the initial entry;
- The judging will take place at noon on Tuesday July 21, 2015;
- Winners’ names will be published on the SAJR Facebook page and website on the same day;
- The names will also be published in the newsletter of July 22 and in the same week’s print edition of the newspaper (July 23); and
- Winners have to be prepared to be photographed at the editor’s discretion for promotional purposes.
Rules that are written in stone…
Each complimentary family-pack ticket allows FOUR people – adults or children – FREE access to the expo. In the case of larger families, Jewish Report may, at its sole discretion, add further tickets to the prizes if the winning entry is of an outstanding nature. Winners will be selected by a management panel from SA Jewish Report.
Their decision will be final and binding and no correspondence or queries whatsoever shall be entertained thereafter.
This is the easy one – simply post a comment below and you could be one of dozens of our lucky weekly winners. Each winner will get one ticket and
How to enter competition #2:
- Write a comment below this story and tell us why YOU would like to attend “The Art of the Brick Exhibition” (Tip, read DAVID KATZ’s revue here: THE ART OF THE BRICK EXHIBITION before answering);
- Tell us who you would take with you and what you feel you or they will most enjoy about the expo;
- Make sure to give us your e-mail address when posting the comment. It will not be displayed publicly and you are welcome to use a nom de plume, but without your e-mail address we cannot contact you if you win a ticket;
- If you are not already one of the thousands of subscribers to SAJR Online, enter your e-mail address in the green box on the right-hand side of this page.
- ONLY REGISTERED SUBSCRIBERS CAN WIN. As a subscriber you get the ePaper every Wednesday evening, together with a newsletter and links to stories on the website that do not appear in the newspaper – as well as regular competitions;
- If you do not want to remain a subscriber once the competition winners are drawn, every week’s newsletter has an option to “unsubscribe”;
- Winners will be responsible to collect their tickets from the SAJR office in Johannesburg Road, Lyndhurst, unless an SAJR staffer lives close to you;
- If you live outside of Johannesburg – or even SA – you are welcome to enter on behalf of a friend or family-member in Johannesburg who can use the ticket;
- Three weekly tranches of winners will be drawn: at noon on Tuesday July 7; Tuesday July 14 and Tuesday July 21, 2015;
- Winners’ names (or nom de plumes) will be published on the SAJR Facebook page and website on the same day; and
- The names will also be published in the newsletter of July 8, 15 and 22 and in the same week’s print edition of the newspaper (July 9, 16 and 23).
Each complimentary ticket will allow either one adult or child FREE access to the expo. Winners will be selected by a management panel from SA Jewish Report. Their decision will be final and binding and no correspondence or queries whatsoever shall be entertained thereafter.
Published 8 July 2015:

Gayle Livingstone
June 25, 2015 at 9:21 am
‘I would love to take my grandchild of 3 to this exhibition’
June 25, 2015 at 9:19 pm
‘I’ve loved lego since I was a child and would love to take my daughters to the expo.’
Julie Toblib
June 26, 2015 at 9:09 am
‘Have loved Lego since I was a kid. Also love Art. The combination of the two together sounds magical – the kid in me will love it.’
Glenda Kavonic
July 3, 2015 at 3:55 pm
‘Our 2 married sons grew up with LEGO and my husband and I now have the pleasure of seeing them both interacting with their own children (our grandchildren) with LEGO – deriving the same pleasure we experienced in seeing a child’s imagination and creativity growing through the stimulation of LEGO, and thriving on the interaction and communication between parent and child, which playing with LEGO
facilitates..I would love to take my 3 SA grandchildren’
avrom stein
July 5, 2015 at 9:50 am
‘i wanted to attend this expo with my family but 4 tickets put it out of reach. if o could save 1 adult fee it would make it affordable. what a wonderful idea!’
July 5, 2015 at 9:53 am
‘I live in Cape Town and would love to be able to win a ticket so my daughter (Ilona Smith) in Joburg can take my grandchildren.’
Jamie Maron
July 7, 2015 at 9:11 am
‘I am six years old and love lego. If i win, my mommy can take me AND my brother to the show. If my daddy is good, maybe he can come too…’
Hilary brown
July 8, 2015 at 3:17 pm
‘want to take all 7 grandchildren’
Greg Smith
July 9, 2015 at 8:58 am
‘I would like to take my son and a few friends to see the Lego expo
Haydi Bean
July 9, 2015 at 9:37 am
‘I would LOVE to take my 3 beautiful kids. They would absolutely love it I’m sure! (that would mean 5 tickets )
Simha Dahan
July 9, 2015 at 6:19 pm
‘my daughter gave birth two weeks ago to baby boy. I would like to give the big brother who is 4 years old a ticket to go with his father.
thank you’
Simha Dahan
July 9, 2015 at 6:22 pm
‘my daughter gave birth two weeks ago to baby boy. I would like to give the big brother who is 4 years old tickets to go with his father.
thank you’
Fae Strashun
July 10, 2015 at 9:49 am
‘Look forward to taking my grandchildren’
Paul Strashun
July 10, 2015 at 9:57 am
‘My grandkids love Lego’
Leicester Meltz
July 12, 2015 at 2:41 pm
‘My two sons are Lego freaks and have spent most of their pocket money and gifts on lego , would be interesting to show them lego art and creativity ‘
July 18, 2015 at 7:05 pm
‘I’d love to go to the expo with my daughters’