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‘Je Suis Paris’ say Israelis en masse




“I thank the people and the authorities of this country, Israel, for their flawless support. Democracies do not seek vengeance and revenge. They seek justice. The fight against radical Islam is our common struggle,” said French Ambassador to Israel Patrick Maisonnave.

At the end of Shabbat during which we lost one of our youth volunteers and were shocked by the horrific consequences of the terror attack in Paris, MDA representatives laid a bouquet of flowers at the gates of the French embassy in Tel Aviv.

MDA teams have also joined in

Magen David Adom (MDA) is Israel’s national emergency and ambulance service. Their director general, Eli Bin, announced on Saturday night that “MDA teams had also participated in the memorial ceremony in Rabin Square.




RIGHT: MDA volunteers with French Ambassador Maisonnave in Tel Aviv, Saturday evening

“During the coming days,” said Bin, “MDA ambulances will be marked by a special logo, expressing the solidarity of MDA with the French people and the Jewish community in France.”

‘Je Suis Paris’

“Tonight we are all French,” said Maisonnave. “We stand shoulder to shoulder in the war against the barbaric terror that threatens the peace of the whole world. Your war is our war. Your values are our values. They are the values of the entire enlightened world.”

Paris3HOMEAttendees at the rally waved French flags and held signs with messages such as: “France, Israel is with you.” Many rally participants were French and the crowd sang the French national anthem, along with the Israeli anthem, at the event’s close.

LEFT: MDA issued a special flag symbol that will be on all their emergency vehicles in solidarity with France

In a statement issued Saturday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also expressed Israel’s solidarity with France and instructed Israel’s intelligence services to work with their French counterparts. He also drew a parallel between the attacks in France and the string of terror attacks Israel has experienced since early October.

“Terrorism must always be condemned,” he said. “It must always be fought. Innocent people in Paris, like those in London, Madrid, Mumbai, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem, are the victims of militant Islamic terrorism, not its cause.”

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  1. Fazil

    November 16, 2015 at 10:26 am

    ‘When states discuss State Terror with the same amount of conviction then a solution may be found….’

  2. Gary

    November 16, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    ‘Yes FAzil, exactly

    States like Syria, Iran , Pakistan, Sudan, North Korea, Red China, Zimbabwe and Cuba’

  3. nat cheiman

    November 16, 2015 at 4:54 pm

    ‘solution to terrorism and suicide bombing?’

  4. abu mamzer

    November 18, 2015 at 12:41 am

    ‘As far as you are concerned Fazil, Islam means submission to your brand of authoritarian fascism…no thanks.

    Why not shed a tear for all the Jews who have been booted out of Moslem countries..or does that not qualify as state terrorism or are we once again going to hear a wimpy protest from local moslem groups and groepies that\” what happened in Paris cannot be condoned\”

    State terrorism? Try ISIS in Raqua for a start habibi,and  let’s see you guys condemn mercenaries  from SA going to Syria to establish the Khalifate…nice people opposed to terrorism.

    You make me sick!’

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