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Jewish families subsidised to relocate to Pretoria




In an extension of the school-fee subsidy programme, now in its second year, Jewish families living outside of Pretoria willing to relocate are invited to apply for school fee subsidies for the 2020 academic year.

The subsidy programme is organised by the Pretoria Jewish Communal Services Trust through the Pretoria Council of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. It is designed to incentivise young families to move to and take an active part in Pretoria’s close-knit and hospitable community, whose numbers are dwindling.

Jewish scholars resident in Pretoria at any of the acknowledged Jewish schools in Johannesburg are offered partial or full subsidies. Daily transport to and from the schools is provided by the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation from its Groenkloof premises – at no charge.

In addition to school fees, the Young Couples’ Program provides rent-free accommodation for such families.

School fees have become a major financial burden, even in the budgets of well-to-do families. Communal organisations hope that the subsidies will elicit a strong response, and in so doing, help Pretoria’s Jewish community to survive and thrive.

For more information, contact Mark Seligman at The closing date for applications for the 2020 academic year is 5 August 2019.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Debra Finkelstein

    November 21, 2023 at 11:40 am

    Shalom Mark, I’m enquiring about Schooling for my son Daniel, I got your information from my cousin Louis Pearlman,

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