
Jewish organisations conflicted on freedom of thought

The Jewish world is strange, holding two conflicting views on the same subject.



David Woolf, Johannesburg.

The South African Zionist Federation has asked alumni to submit their objections to the University of Cape Town against the proposed boycott of Israeli universities and academics in order to protect freedom of thought and open discussion.

Meanwhile, Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein, the South African Rabbinical Association, and the Beth Din have prohibited orthodox rabbis from participating in Limmud’s activities which encompass – guess what – advancing freedom of thought and open discussion.

Which view do you support?


1 Comment

  1. Myron Robinson

    Jun 27, 2019 at 11:18 am

    ‘Well writen. We should not aprobate and reprobate. Both UCT and the Chief Rabbinate are wrong in my opinion by condemning freedom of association.’

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