Jewish org’s condolences to Mandela family
The Board of Governors, management and staff of the Johannesburg Chevrah Kadisha join people throughout the world to express our deep sorrow on the passing of the great and much-loved Madiba. Nelson Mandela is an international icon of peace, vision and humility and his example, as a brilliant leader and principled human-being, will continue to inspire the world long beyond his passing.
His enduring legacy of selfless fortitude will provide confidence to future generations of leaders and hope to millions of citizens on earth.
As South Africans we have been uniquely positioned to benefit most from President Mandela’s courage and wisdom. We are forever grateful to him for averting civil war in our country when it seemed inevitable and for choosing, instead, to pursue the path of reconciliation and peace. Countries around the globe honour him for teaching a different way forward and for bringing light into a sometimes dark world.
We extend heartfelt condolences to his wife, Graça, and to his entire family.