Jewish News

Jewish Report’s 2014 Hit Parade

Every year-end, SAJR Online publishes stories and issues that were our users’ TOP-READS over the past 12 months. This popular feature is embraced especially by those readers and users, maybe now at leisure, who didn’t manage to follow them with the depth or breadth they may have wanted to during the year.




If you are enjoying the series, which will appear several times weekly and will exclusively cover the most read, commented or enjoyed issues of the previous year by our consumers, you will be able to find others in the series in two separate ways:

  1. By clicking our LATEST tab here, finding the latest story carrying this logo and it will list all the previous items in the series; or
  2. Going to our search bar and type in “SAJR TOP-READS 2014” (with the inverted commas – parentheses for the benefit of our US and Israeli users) and they will show up there.

Furthermore, within a day or two of publication of each of these compendia of articles and issues, they will also be available by using Google Search typing in “SAJR TOP-READS 2014”.

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