Jewish News

Jewish World in 7 Seconds

A brief run-down of some of the more interesting items of Jewish news from around the world over the past week. These are compiled by SA Jewish Report’s editorial staff for the interest of our readers and website users. All of the source-publications are attributed, so those interested in reading a more complete account of any of the stories can easily go to the website of the original publication and search for them.




The Jewish Chronicle, London, UK:

‘Birmingham school probe finds anti-Israel views’


An investigation into allegations of Islamist extremism in Birmingham has found that teachers harbour anti-Israel views. Education Commissioner Peter Clarke uncovered evidence of influential people who espoused, sympathised with, or failed to challenge extremist views.


Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Canada:

‘Air Canada cancels flight to Tel Aviv’

Air Canada this week cancelled its regularly scheduled flight to Israel following the lead of US airlines suspending flights to Tel Aviv for 24 hours after the US Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary ban. El Al has no plans to cancel flights to Israel from Toronto.


The Algemeiner, Brooklyn, UK:

‘Senior IDF Commander: Israeli forces have reached everywhere in Gaza’

In the 15th day of Operation Protective Edge to foil tunnelling into Israel from Gaza, the IDF said it has dented Hamas’ war abilities. A statement this week cautioned: “The more successes we have against the tunnels, the more the enemy tries to exploit resources built up over years.”


European Jewish Press, Europe:

Michael Bloomberg travels to Israel on El Al flight to defy FAA ban


Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has announced he will fly to Israel on El Al to demonstrate it is safe to do so and in solidarity with the people of Israel. His statement came after the US Federation Aviation Administration’s decision barring US airlines from flying to Israel.

Arutz Sheva, West Bank, Israel:

‘Again, rockets found in UNRWA school’

United Nations relief agency UNRWA has discovered, for a second time during the current Gaza war, Hamas terror rockets stashed in one of its vacant schools. “UNRWA condemns the groups responsible for this violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law.”


Jewish Telegraphic Agency, international:

‘Fleeing “place full of death”, Jews from eastern Ukraine weep for homeland’

Hundreds of Jews – part of tens of thousands of people who have fled since pro-Russian militias took up arms against government troops in March – are now refugees because of the fighting in eastern Ukraine. Jewish refugees are surviving on help from local and foreign Jewish groups.

Ha’aretz, Israel:

‘Two Israeli officers killed in Gaza Tuesday evening’

Israel’s Operation Protective Edge entered its 16th day on Wednesday, marking the 6th day of the IDF’s ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. Eleven IDF soldiers were killed on Monday, raising the number of Israeli military facilities since the operation commenced, to 29.

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