
Jews well represented on SA ‘Rich List’

No fewer than 47 of the wealthiest 225 South Africans, measured by the value of listed shares they hold, are Jewish. This is according to the Sunday Times Rich List 2015 published last weekend and represents at least 21 per cent of the list. This has to be seen in the context that SA Jewry represents just 0,014 per cent of the total SA population. The annual survey understates the wealth and income of SA Jewry – READ WHY…




No fewer than 47 of the wealthiest 225 South Africans, measured by the value of listed shares they hold, are Jewish. This is according to the Sunday Times “Rich List” 2015 published last weekend. Jews represent at least 21 per cent of the list.

This is still a most sizeable representation, seeing that SA Jewry represents just 0,14 per cent of the total South African population. Also, many of South Africa’s wealthiest Jews control privately owned companies or earn income from overseas holdings or are privately invested in property.

Old-established family wealth such as that of the likes of the Samsons, Lubners, Kaplans, and so many more are not reflected in these surveys. Neither is Donny Gordon or his daughter, Wendy Appelbaum, who is said by Forbes to be the wealthiest woman and biggest female philanthropist in Africa. His son, Graeme, does appear this year however.

Among the notable information in the Sunday Times List is that second place goes to Glencore’s Ivan Glasenberg with a net worth of R24.9 billion, down from R61.4 billion last year.

RIGHT: Humble Discovery founder and CEO Adrian Gore has seen his share-value quadruple over the past four years

The highest ranked Jewish entity is the Ackerman Family Trust, at number 11, with R7.3 billion (in 2013 it was also at 11 with R4.8 billion), and Adrian Gore is in 12th place with R7.2 billion.

Gore, the founder and CEO of Discovery, who also came in at 12th place in 2013, has seen his shares’ value climb from R2,1 billion in 2011 to R2,7 billion in 2012 and R4,2 billion in 2013 and then the large jump in 2015.

Among the Sunday Times List of Top Earners, Jews tend to feature far less, pointing to the fact that they do not pull the largest salaries.

LEFT: Bidvest’s Brian Joffe was the top Jewish earner at a listed company on the 2015 Sunday Times Rich List

Bidvest’s Brian Joffe was the highest-earning member of the Jewish community – ranked at number 26 having earned R13.77 million in 2015. Joffe’s 0.32 per cent holding of Bidvest shares, however, puts him at 110 on the wealthiest list with a value of R366 million.

Topping the Sunday Times Rich List this year is businessman Christo Wiese, whose investment holdings wealth has ballooned by almost 200 per cent over the past year to R104,8-billion.  





  1. Omar Cupido

    December 10, 2015 at 7:25 am

    ‘Apartheid beneficiaries!’

    • Yonatan

      August 18, 2023 at 5:41 am

      Omar stop devalue yoursel by thinking like a moron.l know of many Muslims billionaires and black emerging multiblack millionares.l don’t hear your criticizing is it possible for some of these ex prison ANC cares to get so rich by not working in such a short time?
      Ever wondered?
      So why when these white folks who works hard employ millions of your non white people and have a choice of leaving SA dont but prefer to stay here are condemned?

      I think you are tortured by envy jolousy and hate.get up from your high horse and become productive snd may you can also become a millionare

  2. leon green

    December 11, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    ‘Hi Omar , these people worked very hard for their riches & it has no connection with Apartheid which is dead and bured for 22 years . These are just some of the people that keep SA going . ‘

  3. Harold

    December 12, 2015 at 12:58 pm

    ‘Omar the beneficiaries of apartheid are the Sexwales ansd Shabir Shaiks of this world’

  4. Lilly

    October 17, 2016 at 8:02 am

    ‘It has NOTHING to do with apartheid, the fake jews and the white people have nothing in common.’

    • Brad

      November 28, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      I would love to find you xxx

  5. Chris Smith

    March 21, 2017 at 11:46 am

    ‘Of the leading 25 foreign industrialists who were instrumental in opening up deep level mining operations at the Witwatersrand gold fields, 15 were Jewish, 11 of the total were from Germany or Austria, and nine of that latter category were also Jewish.[89] The commercial opportunities opened by the discovery of gold attracted many other people of European Jewish origin. The Jewish population of South Africa in 1880 numbered approximately 4,000; by 1914 it had grown to more than 40,000, mostly migrants from Lithuania

  6. Ahmed

    January 23, 2018 at 7:57 am

    ‘Jewish business success is mainly because of 2 things viz. Hard work and winning the confidence of both the customer and international investors. I for one am a hard worker but I will not gain business success as I have tried to win the confidence of potential investors but without success..’

  7. Noah

    May 24, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    Well, I’m Jewish – and believe me, I’m not rich at all- at least for where I live (California), getting around 18K/year, which is less than a third the national avg… and even that gravy train is about to run out. 🙁
    I would have done / would do alot better if “they” would get around to sending me my mind-control kit. I’m told all Jewish people are given one. Maybe “they” got the wrong address, and shipped it to a neighbor? I am disappointed.

    • Lizzie

      October 23, 2023 at 2:15 pm

      Come to south Africa your brothers will connect you. I have never seen a poor jew

      • Steven

        January 1, 2024 at 3:47 am


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