Jews should take the fight to radical Islam
There are also reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas supports the Israeli Defence Forces’ incursion to locate the missing boys.
With the increase of anti-Semitism in Europe (and elsewhere), we as Jews would do well to reflect on the scourge of Islam that has permeated the world. Never mind that the majority of Europe’s Muslims have become a serious problem (to those countries), many European nations continue to repeat the same mistakes that Germany made during the 1930s.
There should be a concerted effort by Israel (and we as Jews), not only to dispel the erroneous belief that Israel is an apartheid state, but also to highlight the inaccuracies of the propaganda that spews forth from Europe and its cronies in the Muslim world.
The following are typical of Islamic countries: There is no Christian worship or temples. (In fact, no other religion is permitted.) There are barbaric practices such as amputation of limbs for certain crimes.
(In many of those countries) women are not permitted to drive cars, nor to hold official office. Women are subjected to humiliating rituals, tantamount to circumcision.
Practices such as stoning to death for certain crimes still exist and indeed occur on a daily basis.
The world should be told that most Islamic states produce nothing or very little; there is no industry nor any agriculture to talk of.
Islam has resulted in wars all over the world which threaten to spill over into peaceful countries.
The populations of these Islamic states often have tribal wars, slaughtering their kinsmen because of sectarian differences.
Islam has given birth to suicide bombers (who on occasion are children).
Many radicals who have made their home in Europe, now seek to impose their religious beliefs and radical ideals on the countries they have moved to. They do this by violent means.
How else does one ascribe the bombing in Belgium (at the Jewish Museum)?
Much the same as a salesman pointing out the “good” aspects of a motorcar, we as Jews should be pointing out the “bad” aspects of Islam.
An example that readily comes to mind is BDS and IAW run and sponsored by some universities.
Many Jewish organisations donate to university coffers and it is likely that they will withhold further funds as a result of alleged misuse.
It is time now for Jews to hit back against the usual propaganda generated by these anti-Semites and to call a spade a shovel. Enough is enough!
Northcliff, Johannesburg