
JNF: Merry Xmas, have a tree

Keeping up annual tradition, JNF distributes trees to Israel’s churches, monasteries, convents, embassies, journalists and general public




The one-minute-long video, above, says it all!

As Christmas approaches, the Jewish National Fund (JNF/KKL) in Israel will once again be giving away and selling Christmas trees to both Israeli Christians and holiday-makers to ensure that their forests are not subjected to wholesale stripping in an uncontrolled fashion. The trees used for Christmas trees are Arizona cypresses, as seen in the picture above.

The Arizona cypress plots will undergo their first thinning, making many beautiful, high- quality young cypress trees available to the public for a token sum, for use as Christmas trees.

For the convenience of our many users in Israel, and Christian Zionist readers who may be there on holiday, the JNF/KKL of Israel has asked Jewish Report Online to publish information on how to obtain Christmas trees in the Holy Land.

Distribution is currently taking place in central and northern Israel, in accordance with lists provided by the Ministry of the Interior, the Municipality of Jerusalem and other bodies.

Private individuals can also buy a tree for the token sum of 80 NIS.

LEFT: A family taking home a Christmas tree from a JNF forest in Israel – Photo: Tania Susskind KKL-JNF


“Each KKL-JNF forest is divided into ‘stands’ of trees, identified according to the date of planting, tree type and growth rate,” says the JNF/KKL.

“Christmas tree distribution prevents illegal felling of the trees and allows people to enjoy the festive presence of a Christmas tree,” says the JNF/KKL in Israel.Distribution points, details

Distribution in central Israel

In the central region, KKL-JNF foresters will distribute trees in the cypress grove adjacent to the KKL-JNF offices in Givat Yishayahu on Wednesday and Thursday, December 16 and 17, from 09:00 to 14:00. Contact Yossi Sherwani to arrange collection on 02-996-9224 (land line); or 050-7774114 (mobile).

How to find Givat Yishayahu: From Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, take Route 38 through Beit Shemesh and HaEla Junction. About two kilometres south of HaEla junction, turn left to the KKL-JNF offices, as directed by the signs.

Distribution in Northern Israel

Northern distribution of Christmas trees will take place at the following addresses. “Please co-ordinate your arrival ahead of time,” asks the JNF/KKL kindly.

Nazareth: Next to the KKL-JNF offices, which are located next to the Northern District Police Station. Distribution every day from December 10 between 10:00 and 16:00. Contact Hisham Abu Ras – 050-823-5178.

Shfar’am: At the Shfar’am tree nursery, which is located between the I’billin Junction and the Gil’am Interchange. Distribution every day from December 9, 08:00 to 18:00. Contact Hayl Hasson on 04-9860582 or 052-850-9181

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    December 17, 2015 at 7:29 am

    ‘So get your Christmas tree from Israel !’

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