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Jo’burg Jewish Male Choir pays tribute to Evelyn Green



The first concert was a memorial to late Cantor Johnny Gluck, with Green at the piano. This set the path for continuing to give concerts under the name of the JJMC. The concerts on October 29, were held at the Auto and General Theatre on Mandela Square.

The programme was not only chazzanut. Compositions such as Kalinka, You Raise Me Up, Rachem, Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, Rumania and Yerushalem, stirred the audiences. Three most beautiful synagogul compositions formed part of a repertoire of 16 compositions.

Included in the programme, was the harmonious voices of the four Brill Brothers – their formal introduction to the concert stage.

The natural sound at the concert was excellent, the precision of singing brought out by Green, who conducted most of the concert, and a long-time friend of the JJMC, George Mxadana, had the audience in raptures.

Guest artist, Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz from Brooklyn, in the US with his clear lyric tenor voice, received standing applause. Other noteworthy contributors were Ivor Joffe, Russel Lurie (chairman of the JJMC), Marc Shapiro and Ezra Sher. The soloists were accompanied by a musical ensemble.

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1 Comment

  1. Dee

    April 8, 2018 at 1:11 pm


    is there a CD of the Concert?’

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