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Joel Alswang – educationist and religious leader – passes on




He was born in Pretoria and educated in Johannesburg. As  a young man, he forged his mother’s signature because he was too young to join the Air Force to fight in the Second World War, where he later became a lieutenant. He fought in North Africa, Italy and the Far East.

When the war was over, Joel rose rapidly in his career as a teacher, then vice-headmaster of Eastleigh Primary School, headmaster of Bryanston Primary School and he then founded Bryanston High School.

Later, he was appointed as an inspector of education and finally became superintendent of education, a position he held until he retired.

Thereafter, not one to sit and do nothing, he tackled the arduous task of compiling dictionaries, such as the New English Usage Dictionary, while at the same time he travelled all over South Africa, lecturing at various schools.

Joel loved all sports and participated in many, and as a result, also compiled The South African Dictionary of Sport.

While he was an inspector of education, he saw the need for a better quality of textbook and was responsible for making these available to schools. He wrote many textbooks himself, mainly on English usage, as well as the New English Usage Dictionary which he compiled with A van Rensburg,

The Dictionary of Sports in South Africa he compiled, included a  description of every sport played in the country, with the rules, including such games as kennetjie, Zulu dancing and Jukskei.

Joel’s main activity as a young man was in religion. Rabbi MC Weiler, who started the Reform movement in South Africa, named Joel as one of the people who would be effective in its growth. He later became principal of the Hebrew School, chairman of the committee at Temple Shalom and was very active in the running of the United Progressive Hebrew Congregation.

He became an honorary life member and was part of the congregation for over 65 years. He was also involved with the Alan Isaacs Camp in Margate.

Joel always had time for everyone, helping wherever he could. Nothing was ever too much for him.

He had a wonderful sense of humour and was highly respected and loved by all – he never demanded respect, he commanded it.

He was an incredible husband to his late wife Doreen; his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren adored him and he was an amazing role model for them. He is survived by three children, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

He will be sorely missed by his family, friends, colleagues and past pupils.

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1 Comment

  1. Robyn Language

    November 30, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    ‘I was a pupil at both Bryanston Primary and Bryanston High School. I finished high school in 1975, I remember Hugh Alswang, we were in the same class at primary school, I do in fact have a photo. Mr Alswang and my late father William Keith Language both fought in North Africa together and were in fact close friends. Mr Alswang was most certainley a man of culture, dedication and a person that taught children the correct ways in life. 

    Mr Alswang  Shi ma Israel    From: Robyn Language’

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