
Join the live Webinar on Tuesday evening

UKZF, SAPI & DEISI to hold live Webinar with Rev Dr Kenneth Meshoe (pictured) on “Debunking claims of ‘Israeli Apartheid’,” at 8pm Tuesday 3 March. Register to join in. Organised by the UK Zionist Federation, in association with Defend Embrace Invest Support Israel (Deisi) and SA Friends of Israel (SAFI) and endorsed by the SAZF, this looks like it will really be worth participating in.




Tonight’s Webinar (an online seminar) promises to be most interesting with guest speaker, SA MP Rev Dr Kenneth Meshoe on Tuesday 3 March at 8pm SA-time), but registration is limited and essential for particpants.

The Zionist Federation of the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the SAZF, SAFI and DEISI cordially invite all to participate. REGISTER HERE.

Join students from across University Campuses in the United Kingdom in this most engaging and topical subject.

“South African MP Rev. Dr Kenneth Meshoe, a person of colour who survived the apartheid regime, explains why he does not believe that Israel can be considered an apartheid state,” says the UKZF.

“He has spoken often about this issue and how Israel is often unfairly attacked and accused of Apartheid by its enemies.

“Rev Dr Meshoe has fought vocally against misuse of this term and attempting to shed light on the real situation in Israel – that while it is a country with problems like any other, it is a vibrant democracy and a beacon of light in a sea of dictatorships and religious and ethnic oppression in the Middle East.

“The Reverend is also the Parliamentary Leader and President of the African Christian Democratic Party as well as the President of DEISI International.

“To join this free online lecture, please register HERE,” says UKZF.

But, they warn, places are limited so anyone wishing to register should do so early to avoid disappointment.

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