
Joyous occasion for three barmitzvah ‘boys’

At the age of 38, Brett Joffe, who lives at Sandringham Lodge, connected with a Sandringham Gardens resident named Joel Druian. When Joel discovered that Brett had never had a Barmitzvah, the two agreed that it “is never too late”.




Joel began teaching Brett for his barmitzvah and last Saturday, Parshat Ki Teitzei, Brett received an aliyah in the Sandringham Gardens Shul. Rabbi Jonathan Fox presented him with a new siddur in honour of the occasion.

On the same Shabbat, Joel Druian celebrated the 56th anniversary of his own barmitzvah and recited the Haftora beautifully.

A third barmitzvah “boy” of the day was Shabsy Mayers, who celebrated the 68th anniversary of his barmitzvah and was appointed honorary life president of Sandringham Gardens Shul for his 13 years of dedicated service.

The service was followed by a celebratory kiddush with the families of all three barmitzvah “boys” and other residents.

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