The Jewish Report Editorial

Jozi: we have a problem!
It is astonishing that it has been more than 30 years since South Africa became a democracy, and political leaders are still abusing each other because of religious or racial differences.
Surely we should have learnt a few things from the apartheid era.
When a young Joburg city councillor attacks another young councillor because of being Jewish, making crude calls in support of Hitler, we have a problem. Yes, it is a problem of antisemitism, but while that’s a massive issue for us, it is the microcosm in this situation. It’s like nothing has changed in this country in three decades. Some of us well remember the apartheid days that were ultimately trashed, stomped on, and then we chose to build a new non-racial democracy in which we celebrate our diversity.
I get that in 1994, when we became the so-called “Rainbow Nation”, we may not yet have sorted out our differences and rooted out those deep-seated animosities towards each other. That wouldn’t have been realistic.
But we clearly took a wrong turn if we are still demeaning and being revolting to others because they aren’t the same as us, and don’t have the same colour skin or belief system.
On Friday, we celebrate Human Rights Day. On this day we pay tribute to those who fought to put a stop to a country ruled on the basis on racism and prejudice. We commemorate the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960 when police killed 69 peaceful protesters. But, most importantly, on this day, we acknowledge the struggle for human rights and equality.
When did racism and antisemitism become okay in a place where laws are made, where elected local leaders are supposed to be doing their best for all Jozi residents? When did it become okay to attack someone because of their beliefs?
It is our right to be Jewish and all that goes with that. That is guaranteed in our Constitution. One would have hoped that those sitting in the city council knew that, and lived by it. Supposedly, these councillors are our role models. They should be.
DA councillor Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku certainly is a role model. Here is someone who, by virtue of her own background, was downtrodden and demeaned in her childhood, as were her parents and grandparents. Despite the fact that the abuse is not now being hurled at her, she has had enough of it flying around the city council. So much so, she sent a tough-worded letter to the Joburg mayor demanding that this man be hauled over the coals. Read the story on page 5.
Echeozonjoku makes it clear that by now, we should have been long past this open hatred and mudslinging over people’s religion, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, and more.
It’s true that the people at fault may not have been around during apartheid, they may be too young. They may well be “born-frees”. But that is no excuse. Just because they haven’t felt the pain of racism themselves doesn’t mean that it is acceptable, especially in this country. We should all know better.
I hope the mayor takes this seriously. To be honest, I know Echeozonjoku has called for a public apology, but I’m not sure that will do the trick. I suggest that rules are laid out to ensure that any governing organisation ensures all its players treat everyone with whom they interact with respect, no matter who they are. If they don’t stick to it, they should face the prospect of permanent expulsion. Can you imagine how much more would get done in the city council? Can you imagine the positive impact that it would have on our city’s growth and development? Who knows, they might even get to address the issues of massive potholes, power outages, and the like. All they have to do is treat each other with respect. How difficult can that be?
Human rights are fundamental to our democracy – or so we are led to believe. However, we acknowledge we have a Budget crisis in South Africa. We also have a shortfall in basic education of R129 billion that is needed to address the infrastructure backlog in schools. That’s just one of many shortfalls.
However, considering our supposed prioritisation of human rights, our government has no qualms in spending a further R37.2 million – hard earned by each one of us – to fight South Africa’s ongoing, trumped-up genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Surely you have to take care of your own children first before those who live on another continent? Your children can’t be starving and homeless while you help others. What kind of human rights policy is that?
I understand being charitable. I understand caring about other people. But, am I wrong in believing that the human rights of those in our country who are suffering have to be addressed first?
Or is it a case of “family hold back” when there isn’t sufficient food and family members are asked to moderate their eating so there’s enough for guests? That sounds admirable, except the reason there isn’t enough food, jobs, etc, for South Africans is because we are spending more than R130 million on an ICJ case that has nothing to do with this country. See story on page 3.
It didn’t take the South African government long to jump on the anti-Israel bandwagon on Tuesday, to condemn Israel for resuming the war in Gaza. The way the government writes about Israel, you would imagine bloodthirsty ogres drooling to get back to the battlefield to kill more people.
Meanwhile, Israelis are distressed beyond belief knowing they have to go back to war. I hate the fact that this is happening, but as everyone has asked, how else are we going to get the hostages home and safeguard Israel?
I don’t have answers, only empathy and sadness for all involved. Just as Israelis are trying to get back to their lives, they are being sent back to war. Don’t for one minute let anyone tell you it is easy for Israelis to send their young ones into war. That would be crazy! I pray for the hostages to come home and the war to end with as few casualties as possible. Am Yisrael Chai!
Shabbat Shalom!
Peta Krost

March 21, 2025 at 3:39 pm
They pay these huge amount and therefore we must pay more taxes???? BS!
Free the hostages and stop funding the mistakes you make from our money!!!!!