
Justice is served
Last Friday, more than two years after posting series of tweets threatening and maligning the Jewish community, Matome Letsoalo was found guilty of crimen injuria in the Randburg Magistrates Court.
This is the first-ever criminal verdict in an antisemitism case in South Africa, and is a major advance in the battle against online antisemitism. Aside from bringing to justice the perpetrator of this particular attack, the precedent established will probably be of considerable assistance to us in terms of our other criminal cases before the courts, as well any further such cases it might be necessary for us to lodge in the future.
Prevention is always better than cure. It goes without saying that in the first instance, we would prefer not to have to deal with incidents like this. This brings me to a third positive aspect of the judgment, namely that it sends – with the help of the mainstream media, which has reported widely on the outcome – a strong message that antisemitic behaviour has consequences. It also shows that there is a vigilant watchdog organisation with both the determination and the ability to call to book those responsible, regardless of how much time and effort is required.
In the Letsoalo matter, just finding the guilty party so that a summons could be served on him was a lengthy and complex process, but even so, abandoning the process was never a serious option. As National Director Wendy Kahn put it, the outcome has sent a strong message that threatening and hate-filled attacks on our community won’t be tolerated and that the South African Jewish Board of Deputies will do everything necessary to bring those responsible to justice, no matter how long it takes.
From the outset, the Board worked hand in glove with Ian Levitt Attorneys, whose expert assistance at every stage of the process was vital in bringing the matter to a successful conclusion. For Levitt and his outstanding legal team, nothing was ever too difficult or too much. To them, I extend our warmest thanks for all they have done and continue to do to assist us in ensuring the safety and upholding the right to dignity and equality of South African Jewry.
Sudan breakthrough
Even as local anti-Israel die-hards rail against existing economic and academic partnerships between South Africa and Israel, and do everything they can to sabotage them, this week there was yet another far-reaching breakthrough between Israel and the Arab-speaking world when Sudan became the latest formerly hostile state to normalise ties. It shows how dramatically the winds are changing across the Middle East and North Africa. While much hard work still needs to be done, the agreement is another positive step forward in the quest for peace and co-operation in the region, and bodes well for the future.
- Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.