JVJP’s silence on Palestinian atrocities is deafening
Gary Selikow
In their plaque which they unveiled together with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, they made very clear their disdain for Israeli civilian casualties by juxtaposing ”2 139 Palestinians were killed in Gaza by the Israeli military – 70 per cent were civilians. Three Israelis and one foreign national were killed in Israel by the Palestinian militia.”
Not any reference to the bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists with the romantic appellation of “militia”.
On their Facebook page, when asked if they would condemn atrocities by Hamas in response to the recent terror attack in Jerusalem which killed a three-month-old baby, they replied that “the Palestinians have a right and duty to resist Israeli colonialism and apartheid by any means necessary’.
During the last 14 years thousands of Israeli Jewish men, women and children, have died from bombs, bullets or knife attacks, and thousands of others have been maimed, blinded, orphaned, widowed and terrorised.
Then there are the thousands of suicide bombings perpetrated by Arab terrorists in malls, restaurants, schools, buses and everywhere else where Jewish men, women and children in Israel gathered. Victims were killed, burned, maimed and shards of metal infected with rat poison lodged into their bodies.
Unlike a traditional war zone, the victims are often riding, sitting in schools or enjoying a meal.
So, since 2000, so far 132 Jewish children have been killed, 11 of them less than a year old; nine pregnant women have been murdered; 886 children have lost one parent and 32 have lost both. The youngest victim of terror was just one day old.
There has been no condemnation of these atrocities by the United Nation or its commissars such as Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu and Richard Goldstone.
At the Dolphinarium Disco on June 1, 2001, 21 Israeli teenagers were killed and 132 wounded, many maimed for life, after a suicide bomber blew himself up in their midst. Hamas claimed responsibility and celebrated the attack.
Is this what JVJP supports?
Let us react to them with this in mind. Can we be tolerant of those who condone the killing of Jewish children?
I cannot and will not keep company with those who make common cause with modern-day Arab Nazis who shoot a pregnant Jewish woman at point blank range before executing her four terrified small daughters.
I shall always shun those who show any acceptance of the perpetrators of such atrocities and will continue to condemn those whose twisted ideas suggest any equivocation of Israel’s self-defence with brutal Arab terror.
Their idea of a ”Just Peace” is no doubt the physical elimination of every Jewish man, woman and child in Israel.
Gary Selikow
nat cheiman
November 5, 2014 at 6:06 pm
‘I am quite sure that Israeli’s and jews in the diaspora are sick to death of the media and people who want to dictate how Israel should act towards the Palestinians. In fact the world can go to hell with their anti semitic and biased attacks on Israel.
\nThey need to learn the alphabet. R is for Rockets. T is for Tunnels.S is for stones and suicide.Perhaps if Paqlestinian kids went to school instead of throwing stones they may survive death. The real problem in Europe is that they have such a huge Muslim problem that it is virtually out of control. Europe does not want the Jews to be Muslim free.Quite frankly, I no longer buy stuff made anywhere in Europe, be it cars, clothes or whatever. I cannot wait for Mr Liebermann tochase the Palies into the sea . Gaza and the West bank must be Palestinian free. No debate on that. ‘
abu mamzer
November 6, 2014 at 5:36 pm
‘Let’s not forget the semantics of political discourse:
\”Just\” peace means ALL Palestinian demands have to be satisfied…Right of Return of all refugees,and the return to the status of 1917,when no Jewish State had yet been envisaged.
\”Comprehensive\”Peace means again that all Arab demands are acceded to.
The 2 state solution in their feeble minds is a\”hubbly-bubbly\”Pipe dream.
Chaverim ,let’s not have any delusions,; The JVJP is simply another variant of JWB….Jews without borders…who needs a Jewish nation state???
We must enforce our right as Jews to go onto the Temple mount.
If Palestinians don’t like it,throw them off!