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JVJP will continue advocating for a ‘just peace’



Rina King and Jessica Sherman

Sadly, however, not everyone agrees and some profess a feeling of superiority and believe they are more Jewish, based on the customs they follow.

This intolerance for difference in custom and forms of observance, extends to the question of Israel/Palestine. There is little room for debate on this and any questioning of the community’s unconditional support for Israel, is strictly prohibited.

Alan Wolman in his letter “Selective morality in these ‘Jewish’ groups astounds” (March 4) is typical of this attitude. The fact that he places the word Jewish in quotation marks demonstrates the policing of Jewish identity.

Other than Amnesty International who speaks for people whose human rights have been violated in any part of the world, organisations such as ours choose the area in which they want to operate. As Jewish South Africans we have chosen to speak up about human rights abuses which are being perpetrated in our name, in the hope that other Jewish South Africans will do the same or at least be informed.

JVJP is a group of South African Jews who wish to add our voices to the growing number of Jews who dare to disagree with the blind support for Israeli violence against civilians. We are committed to universal human rights and non-violence.

We advocate for a just solution in which Palestinians will not have to live as refugees. Jews – like many other ethnic groups and religions – have had the experience of being refugees. We know all too well what it feels like to be unwanted by a host country while desperately needing a place of safety.

JVJP will be holding its second “Liberation Seder” on second night Pesach (April 23). The first event, held last year was a great success as we unpacked the story of Pesach through the context of universal human rights and justice. We invite Alan Wolman and anyone else who is confused about JVJP’s background and aims, to attend.

Finally, children are being taught to hate and fear on both sides. We refer to hundreds of incidents where Israeli computer games or actual shooting ranges have people dressed as Palestinians as targets. We will continue advocating for a “Just Peace” where innocent children aren’t taught violence and hatred, but tolerance and understanding of each other.

Jewish Voices for a Just Peace

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 23, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    ‘Terrorists are portrayed by many middle eastern countries as heroes. Jews are hated by many Islamic/radicals/ etc. There is absolutely no such thing as HUMAN RIGHTS. The Islamic world view HR as a sign of weakness. And that is exactly what JVJP & its allies are. 

    In the meantime, people like me will continue to believe that people like you are weak/ or alternatively are smoking weed / or hallucinating. In any event, things are going to go the way of Torah and you just may be left behind in your opaque philosophy’

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