
KD Linksfield holds Cancer Awareness Day

More than 50 King David Linksfield boys shaved their heads and 19 girls cut off 25 cm of their hair in support of cancer awareness on September 26.




In addition, over R5 000 was raised in honour of Hannah Katz, who is a King Davidian. The efforts will go to helping Hannah receive treatment.

“We had an initial idea of raising R18 000 towards Hannah’s treatment costs. In the merit of a speedy recovery for Jodi Brozin (Yehudit Chana bat Pessa). We achieved our goal in less than 24 hours and since then, we have raised in excess of R300 000!”

Awareness about cancer is an important component of showing support for those fighting the disease. A visible reminder of this is showing your support by shaving your hair in solidarity.  

By cutting our hair we convey to the world that our unity, our love and our support, takes preference over our appearance, our reputation and our ratings. Only by giving to others, are we able to receive even more in life and this is the optimum example of a true mitzvah.

In conjunction with cutting our hair, the school sold hair extensions in numerous colours and painted pink finger nails, to visibly display the love and hope we hold within us. All of these activities took place at both breaks and the outcome was immeasurable.


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