
‘Kosher’ sex toys available in SA

Israeli rabbi “now delivering to SA” says his website presents sex toys & sexuality in a manner which doesn’t contradict Orthodox values




Kosher bedroom antics

Israeli Orthodox Rabbi Natan Alexander, has opened a website which, he says, is helping the devout in the bedroom while keeping it “kosher” by marketing sex toys to religious Jews in a manner which does not contradict the values of the community.

“I think that products like these were given a mindset that they were dirty, that they were wrong, and the reason was because of the marketing that they were given,” said Rabbi Natan Alexander, CEO of better2gether, in an interview with Canada’s last week.

RIGHT: Rabbi Natan Alexander delivers the goods

“This world was run by men for men,” said Rabbi Alexander. “It’s now time to change that mindset and say this is a world for couples, this is a world for marriage, this a world for love.”

On his bebetter2gether website, Alexander states that the company is “now delivering to: Israel, USA, Great Britain, Australia and South Africa”.

Dr David Ribner, a sex therapist working at the Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, said Judaism had a positive perception of sexuality and even the most conservative sects were quite interested in making sure the physical aspect of a couple’s marriage worked for them.

“Judaism’s perception about sexuality is essential a positive one, and that even the very conservative rabbinical organisations and personalities are quite interested in making sure that this aspect of a couple’s marriage in fact works for them,” Dr Ribner told “What makes the site kosher is that this information, this material, these options are presented in a manner which is consistent with the values of this particular community.”


LEFT: An image from the website’s home page which says it all

The website also offers help from sex therapists, gynaecologists and other professionals to religious people, who, due to living sheltered lives, can be shy or uninformed about sex.

Rabbi Alexander started the business nine months ago and only sold “one or two items per week at the beginning.” But, he said last week, “in the last couple of months sales have increased significantly with three to four products being sold daily.

“Most of the haredi world is very worried what the halachah, what the Jewish law says about certain thing,” Alexander said. “Here we are, we are ready to answer those questions, we are ready to become the place for true discussion in a modest way.”

The website has become the darling of US news media and the twittersphere.



ABOVE: People are making fun on Twitter – but all roads lead to the website

Bloomberg News called it “[A]n online sex toy marketplace that God would approve of.”

Ariella Perry of MSW said the following: “For those who would like to go to the next stage […] Better2gether provide[s] adult products to both strengthen and enhance a couple’s love-life and offer [a] means to excite and improve one’s physical and emotional relationship.”

The Times of Israel wrote: “Better2gether [is] first and foremost […] a resourse for couples, and specifically one they can look at and benefit from together.”

US website,, wrote: “Being seriously religious shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying your body with a partner who respects and loves you.”


  1. Harold

    June 7, 2015 at 9:11 pm

    ‘a healthy body in a healthy mind ‘

  2. Mervyn

    June 8, 2015 at 6:24 am

    ‘toy vay !!!’

  3. Denis Solomons

    June 8, 2015 at 9:54 am

    ‘So what is the next statement ; that there is a kosher pornography website ? !’

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