
Krebs and Abelman introduce their new art gallery

The son of Hungarian refugees, Shani Krebs, in spite of his loving family, had a difficult childhood and, while serving in the former SA Defence Force, started experimenting with drugs, which later became his way of life, supplying Johannesburg partygoers with marijuana, Mandrax and cocaine.





 Pictured: Shani Krebs (right) with Justin Abelman.

After the new democratic dispensation in 1994, at the age of 34, Krebs flew to Thailand where he was arrested for drug trafficking.

He was sentenced to death, which was later commuted to 100 years. He survived one of the harshest prisons in the world – dreadful food and dirt – but later became a “respected” member of the prison system.

He strived to stay off drugs after years of addiction, but also brought to the fore his spiritual side and his Jewish faith which he found through his art.

His sister Joan tried to find a way of having his prison sentence shortened or to have him transferred to a South African prison.

Eventually he was granted amnesty on December 15, 2011, returning as a free man to Johannesburg in May 2012, having served 18 years – the longest serving Westerner in a Thai prison – in Bang Kwang Prison.

Krebs came back to his changed country as a changed man. On the speaking circuit, he lectured to youngsters about the dangers of drugs and also wrote a book “Dragons and Butterflies” about “the remarkable story of a man who reached absolute rock bottom but had the fortitude to rise up again”.

Krebs’ talent as an artist flourished in his newfound life.

Last week Thursday saw the grand opening of his state-of-the-art Gallery on 6th in Parkhurst, Johannesburg.

Fellow artist Justin Abel helps to run the gallery and both men have exhibits of their own work (25 each) plus those of other artists on show.

“It is mostly naïve art,” Abelman told the SA Jewish Report. “The gallery actually opened its doors three weeks before the official opening attended by some 300 people.

“The positive energy, coupled with the creativity of the artists, combined to make the opening exhibition a huge success,” Abelman said. “It was magical.”

Krebs and Abelman will each conduct art classes at the gallery. Call 078-66596 for  information about exhibitions and times.


1 Comment

  1. greer

    September 18, 2016 at 3:08 pm


    Please can you tell me if I can visit shani krebs art exhibition? If so, what are the opening times and days.

    I would also like to meet shani krebs if at all possible. 

    I have read his book, \” Dragons and Butterflies\”, and found it very inspiring. It would be a treat to meet Shani!

    Kind regards


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