K’siva ve Chassima Tova!
In preparation for this year’s Rosh Hashanah Appeal, the clarity with which I saw “Yad Hashem” (the Hand of Hashem) was indescribably awesome and humbling!
The Almighty created a world which has all the necessary resources to feed every mouth and, in His infinite wisdom, He set up a system whereby Agents of Change – in whose hands the poor man’s portion has been deposited for safekeeping – are responsible to share with those who need. With well over 660 families relying on us to put food on their tables over the upcoming High Holy Days, Yad Aharon & Michael’s pivotal role to alleviate hunger is undisputed.
Our renowned hampers overflow with all the traditional Yom Tov Foods, with fresh produce; proteins and groceries in abundance – everything necessary to provide our families with festive meals for the entire duration of Yom Tov, and the sweetness of apples dipped in honey will set the tone for the year ahead.
How does one join our ranks as an Agent of Change?
The following mind-altering quote by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler (zt’l), encapsulates the manner in which we view the mitzvah of tzedakah:
“If one’s primary concern in the mitzvah is to give others the opportunity to give, this infuses them with a “giving spirit” and in the merit of sharing the Almighty’s work”.
Therefore, by participating in Yad Aharon’s mandate, we jointly own the end-result.
We know you care and, together, we will succeed in turning our recipients’ dreams into reality.
On behalf of the Yad Aharon family, I wish you and your loved ones a new year of good health, contentment, prosperity, and peace.
K’siva ve Chassima Tova!
- Donations: no: 1911087363/ref: your full name/rhyk /