
Lag B’Omer fire overcame the winter cold

The fire of Lag B’Omer could not be suppressed by the freezing cold, rainy weather over the last weekend in Johannesburg. And although the turnout was less than expected, still over 1 000 people from more than 50 shul communities, braved the elements to show their Jewish unity, resilience and pride at the Concert in the Park last Saturday night.




They were treated to Israeli star Amiran Dvir, accompanied by the Jonny Sklar Band, and a musical havdalah led by Shmuli Brill. Following the address by Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein, the Chayeinu Hope Tour (Israeli children with cancer who were being treated by the South African community) arrived and led the crowds in reading Tehillin, praying for all who are in need of healing.

They ignited the Great Park Forest with dancing and an overflowing expression of gratitude to the South African Jewish community.

The Maccabi torch which is presently in Johannesburg and on its way back to Jerusalem, was lit after brief comments by Desmond Hyman, vice chairman of Maccabi South Africa.

Blankets were sold and helped protect everyone against the cold as they huddled close to the numerous bonfires scattered around the Great Park Forest, which was magically lit up by thousands of fairy lights.

Hundreds of blankets sold will now be distributed to needy children with the assistance of Afrika Tikkun.

The band continued to entertain the young Jewish professionals who danced and revelled to midnight.

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