
Last chance to enter Family Fitness comp

It is so easy to enter: Read the story, go to linked page, one click and your family could be the winners of this great prize – and every member of the family with an e-mail address can enter.




Easy to enter: click HERE – go down to the end of the page, click comment and you’re entered! And, at this stage, readers have a 50:1 chance of winning this magnificent prize. Every member of the family can enter. Many have.

Jewish Report is giving one luck family of readers, before Shabbos, an array of specialised and personalised family fitness products and services which will mainly be provided by 10 specialist sports scientists.

A PRIZE-GIVING will be held on Wed 25 November at CycleZone in Rosebank & will include talks by training specialists as well as product demonstrations. Light kosher refreshments will be served and all are welcome to attend. Meet the various product and service suppliers and win product hampers and discount vouchers.

In attendance will be Exercise Solutions’ founder and well-known sports scientist Zac van Heerden; stability trainer Craig Lewis; running coach David Katz; functional sports nutritionist Ian Craig; see TomTom’s health range; sports physiotherapist Aurelle Medalie; Representatives from CycleZone; The Sweat Shop; Dean Abro and Mark Wolff of 32Gi; and home-based trainer Gabi Riesnik.



  1. Harriet Kirstein

    November 20, 2015 at 8:10 am

    ‘It is a great idea. With so many people dying these days

    to be fit and healthy will only prolong our days.’

  2. Denis Solomons

    November 20, 2015 at 10:09 am

    ‘I agree with you Harriet !’

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