
Last chance to nominate Achievers
This glittering dinner honours members of the South African Jewish community who have excelled in business, entrepreneurship and the humanities.
Nominations should include:
- The nominee’s name, telephone number and e-mail address
- The award for which the nominee is nominated
- A short motivation for the nomination
Individuals can nominate multiple candidates, and a candidate multiple categories. But nominators should send each nomination on a separate e-mail. All nominations can be mailed to nominations@SAJewishReport.co.za and all eligible nominees will be contacted as soon as the nominations close on 18 July – to see if they are prepared to accept the nomination. Then begins one of the most vigorous and testing judging processes – particularly in the business categories, of any awards event in South Africa.
The various awards are divides into the humanities and business categories:
The Absa Listed Company Award – Awarded to a Jewish person in a senior leadership position within a Listed Company who has achieved enormous success worthy of recognition.
The Absa Unlisted Company Award – Awarded to a Jewish person who is in a senior leadership position in an unlisted company who has achieved significant success worthy of recognition.
The Absa Entrepreneur Award – Awarded to a Jewish person who has shown enormous entrepreneurial flair and business innovation.
The Lifetime Achievement Award in honour of Helen Suzman – Awarded to a Jewish person who has contributed in an extraordinary manner, in their specific field, over a lengthy period of time.
The Community Service Award – Awarded to a Jewish person who has served the Jewish community with remarkable distinction.
The Arts, Science, Sports & Culture Award – Awarded to a Jewish person who has excelled in any of the aforementioned spheres.
The Chivas Humanitarian Award in honour of Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris – Awarded to either a Jewish or non-Jewish person who has contributed substantially to the betterment of the lives of the people of South Africa.
The awards ceremony is filled with music, comedy and a sparking array of the “Whose-who” of South African society. There is no other event in the social calendar which attracts as many high profile individuals as the Absa Jewish Achiever Awards.
Nominations are open to the public and all nominations should be sent via e-mail to nominations@SAJewishReport.co.za
Business and Entrepreneurial awards are judged by a panel of independent business people, financial journalists, stockbrokers and Absa representatives, who interview all of the candidates. The results are all audited by PKF accountants.

Shaun Ryan Saacks
June 6, 2016 at 12:12 pm
‘I nominate Mark Stiller from UTF Properties for the unlisted achiever award’