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Last chance to register to vote




The coming weekend of eight and nine February will be the last chance for SA residents to register to vote in the upcoming Provincial and National elections. Friday seven Feb is D-Day for registering for overseas residents.

The Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) Registration stations will be open from 8am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. It is essential to register at one’s correct voting station. One can also check if one is currently registered.

Who can register? Any South African citizen who is at least 16 years old (although one can only vote from the age of 18) and has a green, bar-coded ID book, ID smartcard or Temporary Identity Certificate.

Unfortunately, the Independent Electoral Commission’s website is not very user-friendly and so Jewish Report will post details on this to assist (SEE BELOW).

It is always advisable to take it that when the IEC says this is the last chance, it really is. In numerous previous elections, however, the IEC has added further deadline dates – but it is best to assume this is the last opportunity to register.

Here are the links:

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1 Comment

  1. Marcelle Ravid

    February 5, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    ‘Great work SA Jewish Report – getting ALL kinds of news out to your readers. I am so pleased that you have taken voter registration so seriously. We can change the future of South Africa but it takes every single voter to do it. So many people say they are not interested – it defies all logic.Thank you.’

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