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Latest real news on the Bobroff affair




The latest REAL NEWS on the Hawks’ Bobroff investigation is… nothing! The reason, the elite police unit The Hawks have been unable to close their investigation as “more and more victims are coming forward” reports Hawks spokesman Major Robert Netshiunda.

The investigation continues unabated and the Hawks investigators are giving no clue of when they may now conclude – which is understandable if they are adding further claimants daily.

It is expected that once again weekend newspapers may speculate on matter and figures.

A source close to the investigation who cannot be named as he does not speak in an official capacity, however, confirmed to Jewish Report this afternoon that the Hawks’ procedures that they spoke of last week to extradite the Bobroffs continue unabated and that they are certain they will be brought back from Australia to face a South African Court.

Jewish Report will continue to follow the matter and will only report on what we have personal knowledge of from reliable sources, such as Bobroff family members; attorneys acting for the parties; official spokesmen of the SA Police’s priority crimes unit, The Hawks; court transcripts and legal reports.

Read Wednesday’s story which links to all earlier posts:

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  1. nat cheiman

    April 3, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    ‘Ant. Your \”Latest News on Bobroffs\” was quite humerous, because after that you said ………..\”nothing\”.

    The Hawks, in fact are Turkeys. nothing less.

    They couldn’t extradite Tannenbaum. How are they going to extradite Bobroff. The Extradition thing has been tested in OZ already, approx 7 years ago and the High Court there found that prisons in SA do not comply with the UN human rights compliance laws and therefore they will not allow residents or citizens to be sent back to sunny SA.

    In any event, both the Boroffs are admitted to practice in OZ and Darren, indeed did practice there for a few years. My view is that they are citizens of Australia, and left SA on an Australian passport.

    The Hawks can’t even do their jobs properly in SA let alone extradition. ‘

  2. Private

    April 15, 2016 at 2:11 am

    ‘Great, so they will now come and steal money from innocent Australians.


  3. Dean Almeida

    April 18, 2016 at 6:11 pm

    ‘The name [Removed for legal reasons   -ED] comes up often between Bobroff and well, it would seem the rest of the world… A well organised attack.Interesting to see the powers play their ways here. I’ve had personal experience in this and it is truly a little terrifying to see the way it twists the system.


    Hi Dean. You are aware that we cannot allow you to post unsubstantiated allegations against people here as it could constitute both a criminal and civil injurious act. We have stated repeatedly that friends and/or family of the Bobroffs, or members of the public, are welcome to bring substantiated evidence to us which we could follow up on. We have not deleted a single comment, act in no interest above the news itself, and have and will only publish statements of public record or those issues by the police, law society and RAF investigations. We did reach out to Darren Bobroff a week prior to he and his father absconding and after they had plead guilty to charges – offering him a platform to put their story to the community if they so chose. We did the same afterwards and we were assured last week, and again this week, that the family or their lawyers would be submitting a statement for publication. Sadly, it does not appear to be forthcoming. Again we advise any parties who wish to send information to privately to mail it to:


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