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Leila Khaled in SA speaking tour next month




Who will ever forget Khaled’s image flashed across the world after she hijacked a passenger jet in 1969 and made world history by becoming the first woman to do so. She was subsequently jailed in the UK after a second hijacking and released later as part of a prisoner exchange.

From February 5 to 14, Leila Khaled will be in several South African cities on a speaking tour, including Pretoria, Rustenburg, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Newcastle, Cape Town Polokwane and Nelspruit. Tickets to the fundraisers will cost up to R500 a piece.

Harry Potter2By the time she was 28 Leila Khaled had already hijacked two planes and held dozens of innocent people hostage. Then she was caught and jailed in the UK, and released in 1970 in a prisoner exchange.

Now in her seventies and living in Jordan, Leila Khaled opened up at length in an interview with Paula Schmitt which was first published on May 17 last year. Khaled said that she thought that BDS made a big noise, but that it “doesn’t liberate land”.

She shared with Schmitt long-buried Palestinian secrets regarding issues such as feminism and religious coercion in Palestinian society, and gave a new take on long-buried tales of assassinations and betrayal within the ranks of the PFLP.

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  1. Choni

    January 7, 2015 at 3:36 pm

    ‘Will Broomberg& co be attending these conferences wearing their own keffeahs?’

  2. Gary Selikow

    January 7, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    ‘We’ve really stooped low in a day and age when a murderous terrorist scum like this can be lauded and hosted instead of reviled and shunned as she should be.

    WE are living in evil and sombre times’

  3. nat cheiman

    January 10, 2015 at 7:43 am

    ‘Desai and his mamparas will show the country how devoid of moral fibre they are. He has a cheek, more especially in the light of his brothers having commited those atrocities in Paris. I do not believe he will get an audience other than his muslim pals. Home affairs are also considering whether or not to let this criminal into SA.
    \nPeople all over the world are sick to death of hearing how bad Israel is when every muslim country on earth is at war with itself and discriminates against christians, jews hindus, agnostics etc. They [Sorry Nat – sentence removed for legal reasons  -ED] infest the earth with their ideology.



    Commentators please note that it okay to have a go at a specific group or type of people, in the context of what you are saying. {Like, say, \”I believe that Charedi Israelis who do not do army service are…}.
    \nIt is not legal, in SA or in Israel, to espouse hate speech or racism towards an entire group of people, nationality, religion or race {eg: \”All Jews are… because Charedi Israelis who do not …}.  -ED.



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