Letters/Discussion Forums

Let’s start now getting rid of the burden of bitterness

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a focus of conflict between Jews and Muslims. Yet in a perfect world, a place as holy as this would be the centre of peace and unity between all people, especially between fellow monotheists such as Jews, Christians and Muslims.



Martin Zagnoev

When the great Temple still stood on this Mount, sacrifices were even accepted from idol worshippers.

It would also serve as a place of peace within the different monotheistic religions themselves – Shia and Sunnis, Catholics and Protestants, secular and Haredi would all enjoy harmony.

Conflict embitters us, making us miserable and is not a burden worth carrying. It is much easier being at peace with the world and not having to watch our backs for real or imagined enemies.

The Rambam (Maimonides) wrote that Islam is a kosher religion for gentiles, since it follows the seven Noachide principles. The Rambam also indicated that we are thus allowed to pray in a mosque. (This obviously does not apply to the militants who break the principle not to murder).

John Lennon sang: “You may say that I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” This peaceful sentiment is in accordance with our religion’s messianic expectations. But why wait for a future utopia? Why not begin now by letting go of the burdens of bitterness which do not serve us or the world.


Sunningdale Ridge, Johannesburg


  1. nat cheiman

    June 8, 2016 at 11:01 am

    ‘In a perect world this sentiment is true.

    However, the muslims have other ideas and as long as they want to get rid of the Jews, chaos will prevail. 

    But your point is well taken’

  2. Martin Zagnoev

    June 15, 2016 at 5:30 am

    ‘In almost every conflict each side is convinced it is correct yet the truth is roughly in the centre. During apartheid many South African whites were given the impression that Mandela was a dangerous anti-white terrorist. Yet he turned out to to be an amazing peacemaker. 

    In Israel the Jews only want peace and security but feel cornered by the  surrounding Arab majority who believe that the Jews are intruders. And so there is a tit for tat escalation of violence with neither side benefiting.

    It is time for cool heads on both sides.’

  3. David B

    June 17, 2016 at 2:28 am

    ‘@Martin – I agree whole heartedly that the way forward could be real negotiation , but to compare it with South Africa and Mandela seems to thin out your argument, as the leaders/Presidents who followed had zero ability to fill his shoes and make peace and allow meaningful future to be created. So far.over 20 years on and all we have is growing corruption and unfortunately a stalemate in the creation of a real leader for South Africa    ‘

  4. Choni

    June 19, 2016 at 10:46 am

    ‘No time for cool heads on both sides.

    All hostile Arabs must be expelled.

    Their presence in Israel is the starkest form of Hillul Hashem’

  5. Martin Zagnoev

    June 21, 2016 at 6:46 am

    ‘In what way is it a chillul hashem?’

  6. Choni

    June 21, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    ‘In what way is it Hillum Hashem? Simple. They are murdering Jews.’

  7. Choni

    June 21, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    ‘In what way is it a Chillul Hashem? [Some  -ED] Arabs are murdering Jews (because they are Jews).’

  8. Choni

    June 22, 2016 at 8:39 am

    ‘O.K. Ant, but [many -ED] of those Arabs not killing or wounding Jews are celebrating in their towns and villages. Streets and buildings are named after the Arab ‘martyrs’. Chillul Hashem? Most definitely.’

  9. Martin Zagnoev

    June 23, 2016 at 7:42 am

    ‘I take your point but still hoping for a diplomatic solution.

    The right wing Begin made peace with Egypt even after she tried repeatedly  to destroy Israel.’

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