
Let the ‘Righteous 500’ simply join other Hamas supporters

To those “Jews” who proclaim their undying support of the Palestinians in their endeavour to destroy Israel – the “Righteous 500” – I want to ask: What makes you so special that your names must be publicly known to support the Palestinians in their mission to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews?



David Kaliski

Why don’t you simply join all the other supporters of Hamas – because that is what this is all about – and march with them as concerned individuals waving their flag? 

Clearly the only reason you want your support to be known, is because you think that when they come to kill all the Jews, they will stop and say: “Not him; he is one of the good ones.” Boy, are you in for a shock!

If Hamas’ rockets were to succeed in their intention and killed hundreds and thousands of Israeli (Jews) citizens – mostly women and children – would you join them in the streets dancing for joy? Would you publicly declare that you applaud the success of their mission?

After all, what Israel is trying to do is thwart the intentions of the rockets and to destroy the source of the rockets and the threat of the tunnels, wherever Hamas strategically places them.

Do you mourn with them because not enough Israelis are dying – proportionately? How many Jews must die in order to justify any attempt at defence?

I too lament the loss of life in Gaza – men, women and children – and I call on Hamas to please saves their lives; all it takes is to stop sending rockets.

Cape Town


  1. Gary Selikow

    August 21, 2014 at 11:48 am

    ‘Well said David, I concur with every word’

  2. Gary Selikow

    August 21, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    ‘\”Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil… woe to them that they are wise in their own eyes…\” (Isaiah 5:20).

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