
Letter from the SA Jewish Board of Deputies



Dear SA Jewish community

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said in his statement ahead of the International Court of Justice hearings this week, “Following these developments, the World Jewish Congress and its affiliated communities express our steadfast support for the South African Jewish community. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to ensure that they can not only continue to contribute meaningfully to their country, but also feel secure and at home in South Africa.”

At this very difficult time, we know we’re not alone. We’re held and supported by the family of global Jewry.

The loss of life in this tragic conflict is devastating.

Our community has faced wave after wave of hostility, not only from the international outpouring of hate and antisemitism in the wake of 7 October, but particularly from the words and actions of the South African government.

Jews around the world are reeling with heartbreak and rising anger as once again, Jews are vilified.

Israel will be asked to defend itself for protecting Jewish life against brutal terrorists who not only perpetrated the heinous massacre on 7 October, but who have publicly committed themselves to repeating these attacks “again and again and again”. See video here:

The South African government is misleading in its claims that it has global support for its case. In reality, this is far from the truth.

We’re well aware that the coming days will be torrid as the pro-Hamas factions will use everything at their disposal to demonise and discredit Israel. Social media will be awash with fake news, and we need to be careful not to be drawn in to this cesspool designed to hurt and offend us.

At this difficult time, we must remember the words of United States National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby at the first White House briefing of 2024, when he said the case was “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact, whatsoever”.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies is working around the clock and is utterly committed and steadfast in ensuring that Jews in South Africa are safe, our religious and civil rights are protected, and that we have a place in this beautiful country in spite of our differences with our government.

National Chairperson Professor Karen Milner; National Director Wendy Kahn


  1. Pam

    January 11, 2024 at 12:06 pm

    :We’re well aware that the coming days will be torrid as the pro-Hamas factions will use everything at their disposal to demonise and discredit Israel. Social media will be awash with fake news, and we need to be careful not to be drawn in to this cesspool designed to hurt and offend us.”

    Immensely frustrating when one finds oneself falsely maligned and a victim of a cesspool of snakes designed to hurt one.

  2. Sara Glickman

    January 11, 2024 at 10:27 pm

    We, in Eretz Yisrael are ready to welcome you all home, with open arms to a country that loves Jews
    and the government is on your side.
    Love the jews in Israel

  3. Rev Gauta Mogomane

    January 12, 2024 at 9:58 am

    South Africa remains a Christian country and align ourselves with Israel. South African Anc communist government is inflicting self genocide by failing to protect it citizen, we have 28 0000 people dying annually. Israel is doing well to protect its people. Our love for Israel is unwavering.

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