Letters/Discussion Forums

Letter writer’s views on Reform Jews blatant hate speech

My name is Gila Efrat and I am 17. I am proudly part of Netzer and very passionate about my Judaism.



Gila Efrat

I read in last week’s Jewish Report a letter stating that Orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, or relevant and genuine Jews. I am shocked that this is acceptable. It is blatant hate speech.

What is so wrong about being Reform or Progressive? Is being inclusive, accepting and loving unworthy? I thought that was what Judaism was all about – a community and world-wide unity through our common affiliation: being Jews.

We do not need more divisions, especially between culture and religions, let alone our own faith that we both follow.

Many a time I have heard about how Progressive/Reform Judaism is not religious enough or we make up our own rules. It is illogical, disrespectful and emits a superiority complex to deem how religion should be observed.

Is it Orthodox Jews who follow laws made in the Rabbinical period – and not from the Torah itself, but man-made laws – who are absolute in their practice of Judaism? It seems to be quite a fallacious argument to claim something so contradictory. 

Progressive Jews are changing the world. What a pity that narrow-minded Jews cannot be part of this wonderful concept of tikkun olam. We are obligated to create the Messianic era; we can’t wait around for a Messiah to come. We must be the change we want to see in the world!

Let us unite. We all have the same common goal. Judaism should connect us, not separate us! It should comfort us and offer safety. Judaism has been so positive to me and it should be for every Jew. The last thing we need is ignorance, arrogance and prejudice.


Cape Town



  1. nat cheiman

    February 17, 2016 at 1:49 pm

    ‘Its just debate, thats all.

    Of course Jews have a common goal. That is the answer.

    No need for all the heat. Chill Sister ( or bro)’

  2. Enrico G

    February 20, 2016 at 7:08 pm

    ‘Your point about Orthodox Judaism is misleading, because they do indeed follow the laws and ethics provided by the Torah, with legislation, but what religious laws, or any laws for that matter, are without legislation? (And if the Torah wasn’t written by mankind just like the Amoriam and Tannaim laws were then who could have possibly written them??).

    \”We do not need more divisions, especially between culture and religions, let alone our own faith that we both follow.\” 

    Yet you clearly note a vast difference between Orthodox Judaism and then proceed to exclusively promote Progressive Judaism, while calling Orthodox \”contradictory\” in their practices. What happened to your inclusiveness and acceptance? This seems, as you put it, to be quite a fallacious argument. Following your logic, it would seem that  Judaism doesn’t really exist.

    It seems to me that in order to avoid such problems, e.g Progressive Judaism being noted as untrue Judaism, divide is a very necessary thing. 

    That being said, I agree with most of your points, and it’s no ones place to de-legitimatize a religion, Especially one encouraging awareness and acceptance.’

  3. LJ

    February 22, 2016 at 9:10 am

    ‘It stops being a debate when you tell someone their beliefs are rubbish Nat.

    What Eli Knight did was insulting.

    I am an orthodox Jew and found what he said to be completely out of line.’

  4. Anonymous

    February 22, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    ‘Such poignant and much-needed words. Thanks Gila. PS: Keep at it! There will always be people who try to silence revolutionary opinions and revelations by tone policing but history was never made by being silent. ‘

  5. Karen

    February 22, 2016 at 3:44 pm


    Unfortunately, it’s not a debate. This is blatant non- acceptance of Jews by another Jew, who for whatever reason, is not alone in his feelings of superiority and condemnation of those who follow the reform philosophy of our shared religion. 

    Sadly, South African orthodox Jews appear to be amongst the most biased and intolerant towards anyone not practising what they believe to be the only form of Judaism.

    Of course, all Jews should have a common goal, as Nat Cheiman states, but how can that happen if Reform Jews are, more often than not, not even regarded as ‘real’ Jews?

  6. Simeon

    February 23, 2016 at 10:04 am

    ‘Karen, LJ, Gila and others – do you accept Jews for Jesus? They are Jews (mostly).’

  7. nat cheiman

    February 23, 2016 at 1:46 pm

    ‘I accept that people were offended and that requires an apology by the author. What I am trying to articulate is that we need to respect each other. Whether we are reform or orthodox, we are still Jews and equal in the eyes of Hashem. If I came across in a frivolous manner I apologise. I am orthodox and my daughter is reform. I consider that we are both Jews and equal in the eyes of Hashem. I certainly never meant to be irreverent.’

  8. LJ

    February 25, 2016 at 1:51 pm

    ‘Nat Cheiman I accept your apology and say that I have respect for that.

    Simeon as we have interacted before and I know you to be a drone who has no interest in human sympathy but only wishes to deal with religious doctrine blindly I will not deal with you’

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