
Levin and Markovitz’s engagement takes centre stage

When Capetonian Ross Levin went down on one knee to propose to his boyfriend Nicholas Markovitz, it was not in a quiet setting or at a romantic dinner.



Tali Feinberg

Rather, Levin went ‘all out’ and popped the question on stage at an Adele concert in Barcelona – a ‘perfect proposal’- according to many of the hundreds of people who have watched the moment on YouTube.

“It was the perfect proposal for Nick, who has a large, beaming personality,” says Levin, who planned the moment for months. He was able to organise it through Adele’s manager’s father, who is a regular visitor to Cape Town. “Holding back the surprise when I knew Nick would be so excited was the hardest part. He loves her music and her as a performer.”

Levin says he was very nervous – both because he wasn’t sure the plan would work out, and also because of the actual magnitude of proposing. “It was not just about being on stage with Adele, it was also that we were ready to make that kind of commitment, which deserved a large and grand gesture, given that both of us have travelled such a long road.

“For me on a personal level, a few years ago I couldn’t tell a soul I was gay, to now proposing on stage in front of 10 0000 people, added to the scope and scale of the moment.”

He adds that the couple were not intimidated by Adele, who “is so warm and accessible, and so comfortable in her own skin – she set the tone for this new chapter”.

For those looking for advice on planning the perfect proposal, Ross says that is important that the moment suits the person. “It doesn’t have to be on this level; the pure joy and excitement of getting engaged is enough.

“Marriage is the glue that holds you together when it would be easier to fall apart. It is as important to us as to any straight couple.”

Both men are proudly Jewish, and Ross says that “the community has been amazing throughout our process, including rabbis. They have shown that we can be Jewish, gay and proud.

“One of my greatest fears when I came out was around my Judaism – and if I would still be accepted. And I have been. Our Judaism is very important to us, and if there is any message in this, it is that you can still be yourself, and be okay.” 


  1. Venetia

    June 2, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    ‘Congrats! I am so proud of you. You are an absolute gentlemen with such an  an awesome gesture, with your engagement. Wish you many happy years together!  Xxxx’

  2. Sumaya

    June 12, 2016 at 9:48 am

    ‘Congratulations to you both!  Such a special moment in history to be cherished forever.    A proud moment for the  GLB&T   community not only in SA but across the globe!   We are so proud of your courage and conviction, well done!  Wishing you many, many happy years of togetherness!

    Good Luck!

    South Africa’s post-apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and South Africa was the fifth country in the world, and the first in Africa, to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples can also adopt children jointly, and also arrange IVF and surrogacy treatments.

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