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Life still carries on as before – without Talk Radio 702



Stan Luntz


And then… John Robbie, my long-time airwave sparring partner, went just too far. 

In 2014 I protested to 702 and to Primedia about a provocatively one-sided commentary in which Robbie vilified my spiritual homeland, Israel, without bothering to extend the accused the right of reply. 

Robbie’s “Holocaust” comment went beyond the pale. I protested vociferously by e-mail. 

Radio 702 itself ignored that protest. Primedia sent one of those robotic “your complaint is receiving attention” type non-responses. (Co-incidentally, the podcast of Robbie’s “Holocaust” comment was abruptly removed from the 702 podcast library. I recovered it from the Internet.) 

Upon receipt of the “non-reply”, I banned 702 in my home, car and workplace. And for the last 18-24 months, 702 and I have quite successfully lived without each other. Neither side seems demonstrably better or worse off for the separation.

I have, however, become aware of another of Robbie’s “objective” and “unbiased” comments on the subject, apparently aired on May 25.

Interestingly, a visit to the 702 site once again reveals that no podcast is offered. If I am mistaken about the absence of a link, however, I will publicly admit to it upon receipt of a podcast link that the general public can access without having to submit a special request.

If 702 and Primedia want to know what I’m talking about, no explanation is needed.

If 702 and/or Primedia choose to respond, and by this I mean respond “meaningfully” as opposed to a “your complaint is receiving attention” type non-response, please do it by e-mail only. 




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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    June 1, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    ‘I too don’t listen to 702 ( almost a year).

    John Robbie, firstly, has a voice like a can opener.

    Secondly, he knows very little about a lot of things.

    It is fashionable these days to be a liberal, but most liberals appear to be pseudo- intellectuals.

    I can’t say that about the abrasive little Irishman.

    His tongue seems to wag before his brain has caught up.   

    I don’t think he is anti semitic at all. Just stupid.’

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