‘Local yokels’:
I have read with great disdain and trepidation the reports in the media on the meeting recently held between Mahmoud Abbas and Jews representing the Zionist Federatio and the Jewish Board of Deputies. According to Wendy Kahn of the Board, President Jacob Zuma requested this meeting, and Zev Krengel of the SAZF reiterated that Abbas was most charming.
Maurice Skikne
My comments are:
- Our president does not own our souls, nor can he “literally order” one to attend what was a non-governmental unofficial meeting.
- Abbas is not a charming man. He has made many previous derogatory, and threatening, public statements about Israel. These have been in speeches at political rallies and the UN.
- Abbas has stated categorically that the PLO would never recognise the State of Israel; nor are the current borders of Israel, accepted as fixed.
After nearly 67-plus years of condemnation of Israel, by the Arab bloc and attempted mediation by numerous political and other public figures and even state representatives, do these local yokels really think that they will be able to pull off a peace treaty?
Does our president really believe that he will magically get something going? Or were their collective thoughts such that now they would miraculously be able to make this come about?
Since his election, Zuma has made blunder after blunder, promised his minions all kinds of magic things that were going to happen in South Africa, but almost none have been fulfilled. So, how is he going to pull this off? The economy and infrastructure here is failing miserably.
Kindly spare all of Am Ysroel worldwide, the absolute mirth of such a circus performance, now about to become factual! Fatah, Hamas and the other so-called Arab factions, have repeatedly invoked the desire to “drive the Israelis (think Jews) into the sea”; they will “conduct a second Holocaust”; there was “never a Holocaust in the first place”; etc.
When the Jews of this country collectively are put under pressure by various anti-Semitic groups like BDS, Open Shuhada treet, the JVJP, the Pro-Palestinian factions, and others, have the SAZF and the SAJBD ever come out strongly to stand up for us, or has it always been a watered down mild protest? Shame on their attitude!
No matter what the Duartes, Erenreichs and other such sympathisers may repeat, this country owes its Jewish populations, both past and present, very much for constructing and building the economy, industries, the built environment and even lives!
Finally, if and when a peace treaty should eventually become a reality, it will not be worth the paper it is written on.