Maharal’s Tiferet Yisrael, now translated into English

The Maharal of Prague is one of the pillars of Jewish philosophy – a relevant voice, even after 500 years. Strangely, the person who so impacted on the Jewish response to the Renaissance and who helped formulate key Jewish educational policies, has become known as the creator of a Golem, with his powerful writings off limits to the English-speaking public.




That has changed in Johannesburg with the recent launch of the first-ever English translation and commentary of the Maharal’s classic Tiferet Yisrael. This translation with a commentary, was written to address key questions in Jewish thought relating to the purpose of Torah and mitzvot.

The Maharal asks powerful, bluntly relevant questions and then constructs a framework on which he builds relevant, profound answers. One of his opening questions in the book is one which is often raised: how is it that one finds ostensibly observant Jews who are unfortunately unethical and immoral?

He also addresses the purpose of the entire structure of mitzvot, especially if a person observing mitzvot is ignorant of the purpose of the particular mitzvot she or he is observing.

The English translation with commentary, was written by Rabbi Ramon Widmonte over a period of eight years and published by Urim worldwide.

Copies of the book can be obtained from the offices of the Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning, 010-140-2099 and


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