
Malema goes on rampage against Stephen Koseff

Julius Malema went on a bizarre rant against wealthy and leading South Africans including former Investec Chief Executive Stephen Koseff at an Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) press conference on Sunday, invoking the classic anti-Semitic stereotype of Jewish bankers “controlling” the country.




“[Former Investec Chief Executive] Stephen Koseff is always in the Union Buildings … every day. The same thing that the Guptas were doing,” he said. “The difference is that Zuma was going to the Guptas at Saxonwold. Stephen Koseff is always going at those staff members at Union Buildings. Stephen Koseff is there. He’s running the government from there. Investec is running this country. Let’s go to Investec and to tell them we must leave our country alone. They must leave the political affairs of this country in the hands of politicians, they must continue doing business,” he said.

He went on to say, “We shall stage occupations in financial institutions that profile black people for their marginalisation. All insurance and medical companies, as well as banks, shall get unannounced occupations to demand equal treatment of black people. We shall also march to the properties of Johann Rupert, particularly his farms in Mpumalanga and Western Cape. We’ll march to Stephen Koseff’s Investec against its undue influence over the political affairs of this country through their puppet Ramaphosa. Finally, we shall march to the OR Tambo Airport to demand the closure of the Oppenheimer private terminal.”

The EFF also released a list of “Ten reasons why Pravin Gordhan must go” ahead of the State of the Nation Address on 13 February, including the nonsensical point that, “Pravin is the proxy between CEO of Investec Stephen Koseff and President Cyril Ramaphosa, and through his relationship with Pravin, an unelected and representative of the white monopoly capital Koseff is at the centre of South Africa strategic decision-making core to represent the interest of big business and impoverish the black majority.”

The SA Jewish Report reached out to Stephen Koseff, but he chose not to comment.

1 Comment

  1. Mark Wade

    February 15, 2020 at 5:57 pm

    ‘Stephen Koseff spoke at a Richard Branson/ Virgin Airlines event a few months ago, and he mentioned how frequently Nelson Mandela called on our Jewish community to donate millions to numerous upliftment programmes for black causes, be that schools or clinics, and they were always willing. Malema continually shows his bigotry and anti-Semitism – in fact, he’s downright racist.’

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