
Mazaltov to female achievers who broke every glass ceiling

WIZO would like to wish a hearty mazaltov to all the achievers at the ABSA Jewish Achiever Awards who have contributed so greatly to the development and building of our country. In particular, the young women who made us proud as we witnessed so many of them breaking through every glass ceiling, something we encourage in all our facilities in Israel.




Our well-publicised Yom Tov Cards tell a wonderful story of the projects WIZO South Africa supports, including the Sifriyat Pyjama Programme, Beit Halochem, the emergency fund for Israeli families in Sderot and the Gaza border area, and our children at risk at Neve WIZO. There is still time to send Yom Tov greetings, and we encourage you to do so by calling or emailing your local WIZO office.

Next month, WIZO South Africa will host its annual Rebecca Sieff awards all over the country. At these awards, it has the pleasure of honouring women who have worked tirelessly for more than 40 years, and continue to work to advance the status of women in Israel. By contributing to many projects in Israel, WIZO continually enables women and children to reach their potential.

In the 21st century, there are so many countries where women have no rights. We salute the women in South Africa and Israel who continue to ensure a brighter future for all women.

WIZO South Africa thanks its members and friends for their support and partnership, and would like to share this message from the world WIZO chairman in Israel:

“The month of Tishrei is upon us when we mark some of the most important holidays in the Jewish calendar.

“Today, when the Jewish world is facing various challenges, this time of the year reminds us of the need to unite as a people, for one of the central themes of this period is the idea of Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh – all the people of Israel are responsible for one another. At WIZO, this notion is celebrated every day of the year.

“Through our mission of tikkun olam, we create a real, meaningful, and lasting impact on the lives of thousands of children, youth, and women every day.

“Ahead of this special time of the year, I wish us all a successful year filled with peace, prosperity and self-fulfilment.”

L’shana tova and gmar chatima tova!

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