
MDA-SA gone from zero to hero

“It made me very proud to be an SA Jew,” MDA-SA patron Michael Bagraim told Jewish Report after returning from Israel this week




Hymans take MDA-SA from zero to hero, says Bags

“It made me very proud to be an SA Jew,” MDA-SA patron Michael Bagraim told Jewish Report after returning from Israel this week where the SA organisation was last week elevated to an equal status with all other countries, including giants like the US, UK and France.

Bags says that MDA-SA had “run down to almost nil” when Mark and Beulah Hyman took over its administration some years back. “It’s unbelievable,” he says, “the hard work done in SA has resulted in a situation where we stand shoulder high with all other countries.”

Mark Hyman was one of the drafters of an amended MDA constitution that was adopted at the organisation’s AGM last week. At last year’s AGM, says Bags, he felt like the poor cousin. This year he felt that SA was recognised as “an equal in the league of nations.”

1 Comment

  1. Choni

    November 2, 2013 at 5:34 pm

    ‘Proud of being Jewish, or proud of being South African, or proud of being a Jewish S.African, or being a S.African Jew. Which is it?’

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