
ME peace not a straightforward morality play

By ironic coincidence, this year’s annual hate fest known as “Israel Apartheid Week” takes place at a time when Jews around the world are celebrating Purim, the festival that both demonstrates the implacable hatred of our enemies and assures us of our ultimate triumph over them.




The message of Purim – as epitomised by the heroic figures of Mordechai and Esther – is that we should not be intimidated by those who wish us harm. Rather, we should continue to proudly affirm our commitment to our Jewish heritage and our right to celebrate it.

On the frontlines of this battle are our university students. I have received glowing reports of the activities of SAUJS at UCT, and indeed, the firm, principled and dignified response of the students there has been in evidence on all campuses where SAUJS has a presence.

We can be proud of the commitment and resilience of our youth in the face of so much ugly invective, and take heart at how the future leaders of our community are willing to brave a hostile and deeply unpleasant environment to stand up for their beliefs.

The Board, in addition to supporting our university students, has also been very active on the media front. Here, we have been working closely with Bassim Eid, a visiting Palestinian human rights activist who believes, as we do, in the creation of a democratic Palestinian state co-existing in peace alongside Israel.

While the other side will continue propagating their rejectionist message, we can ensure that the media is also provided with our perspective. Contrary to what BDS and others would have people believe, the Israel-Palestine question is not a straightforward morality play about victims and victimisers.

Another important Board focus has been to bring home the extent to which the inflammatory and dishonest tactics of BDS et al, while doing nothing to resolve the Middle East conflict, are fostering overt anti-Semitism while undermining relations between South Africans in general.

Last week I attended a meeting with the vice-chancellor of the Durban University of Technology to discuss the way forward in the wake of the SRC’s shocking demand that Jewish students there be expelled. We were encouraged by the abhorrence felt by the DUT leadership regarding this call and will be working with them in formulating an envisaged new social cohesion programme to foster the values of tolerance, diversity and freedom of opinion on campus. 

On Sunday, National Director Wendy Kahn led a counter-demonstration against a BDS event at Liliesleaf, Rivonia. The intention, through the banners displayed and in interaction with the media present, was to convey how BDS, despite claiming to be a human rights organisation, was responsible for provoking, and also condoning, gross acts of anti-Semitism by its supporters.

Recent such cases include the above DUT incident and the depositing of a pig’s head in a Woolworths store in Cape Town last November.

As Purim teaches us, anti-Semitism has been with us for thousands of years, even if the form it takes varies from generation to generation. Our challenge is not to be discouraged by this, but rather to continue to affirm without equivocation what is important to us as Jews, be it our religious faith, our support for the State of Israel, or our right to live both as proud, committed Jews and as equal, patriotic citizens in the countries we inhabit.


  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday 12:00 – 13:00.



  1. nat cheiman

    March 5, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    ‘BDS are polarizing South Africans. However, most of us in SA understand that BDS and Isis and radical Islam are one and the same. The same snake with different heads.

    We are fortunate that BDS and its allies are not intelligent people and that the average South African knows what they are about. They are certainly not about to topple Israel.’

  2. Mordechai

    March 10, 2015 at 6:17 am

    ‘ When will MARY KLUK and the rest of S African Jewry take their heads out of the sand and address the real issue which is the South African government. They support the BDS, they support Israel’s enemies and they are doing all they can to destroy Israel. If you are going to attack the BDS but cosy up to your government you are wasting your time.’

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