Letters/Discussion Forums

Message of SAFI’s Hamas ad could have been stronger

The board and editor of the Sunday Times actually did the SAZF a great favour by pulling the Hamas/Jihad full page ad. The SAZF could have saved the community a packet if it had demanded – either the entire page as presented or not at all – and we could have recovered a substantial refund.



Jack Miller

But to surrender to the Sunday Times when they recanted and agreed to print, provided that the picture of the terrorist was omitted – and let’s face it, it’s a pretty innocuous depiction of a terrorist!

However, my disaffection goes further. The entire tenet of the piece was relatively mild and though it featured prominently  the names of Hamas and jihad, it failed to mention the guiding principle of Hamas which is to kill all the Jews and wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth.

This, in large capitals, should have struck the reader like a massive punch in the face. Since the average South African can barely envisage Hamas’ and jihad’s intention of genocide towards Israel and the Jews.

I sincerely doubt that the effort and the cost achieved sufficient impact on the average South African.


Gresswold, Johannesburg 

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    November 11, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    ‘The ad, 
    \nNat – please, How many times have you repeated the exact same insulting words. Its enough already   -Moderator

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