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Letters/Discussion Forums

Misguided ‘Zealots’ harass patrons in Norwood



J L Lowenstein

He is not liking the aggressive, heavy-handed proselytising he’s experiencing. As far as I am aware, there is little history of evangelism in Jewish literature.

Religion, culture or ritual should not be foisted on another. This unnecessary zealotry is creating disharmony and ill-will in those who normally are quite accepting of other traditions.

We are a people who should be spreading light, an atmosphere of caring and a display of exemplary behaviour.

To those responsible for such pursuits: Kindly refrain and desist from unbecoming acts which only serve to alienate and antagonise.

Religion is a personal matter and any religious demand imposed on others is entirely unacceptable.


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1 Comment

  1. Josh

    August 12, 2015 at 8:56 am

    ‘\”Religion is a personal matter and any religious demand imposed on others is entirely unacceptable.\”

    I want these words framed. Well said. I could not agree more. No man or woman can tell you what your relationship is with G-d only you can.’

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