
Mixed feelings, fond farewells to Reichs

Zionist fighter of note Leon Reich, pictured, and his wife Juliette were bade farewell last night by the SAZF, LikudSA and Betar. MORE PICTURES INSIDE. as the couple fulfill a lifelong dream and follow their children to Israel.




It was with mixed feelings that dozens of members of South African Zionist community organisations bade farewell to Leon and Juliette Reich on Tuesday evening 26 January. Despite SA Zionism losing the hard work they have done in SA, averyone was happy that they are leaving.

That is because the doyens of SA Zionism are fulfilling their lifelong dream of following their four children and nine grandchildren who are today all Israelis.

A fiery and passionate Zionist, Leon, 82, was toasted farewell by the SA Zionist Federation (which he has served for many years) and LikudSA and Betar (both of which he re-established in SA and chaired).

There were dozens of guests and and, while there was a sadness at losing such Zionist fighters in South Africa, everyone was overjoyed that Leon and Juliette Reich were able to fulfil a lifelong ambition spend their last years in Israel.


Leon and Juliette Reich are handed a gift by past and present national Fed chairs Avrom Krengel and Ben Swartz, both of whom had spoken in their highest esteem for the famed Zionist fighter

Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and Israel Centre Shaliach Aviad Sella spoke highly of the Reichs, explained why he had agreed to grant them Aliyah privileges despite their age, and is seen here handing them certificates, as are given to all Olim, attesting that a tree for each of them has been planted in a JNF/KKL forest


  1. Lisa

    January 28, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    ‘What a beautiful honor and it is wonderful  to see them achieve there dream!  They have an beautiful family waiting for them. I wish then all peace and happiness! ‘

  2. Louisa Kruger

    January 28, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    ‘The Reichs were such generous people in Grahamstown. As an Afrikaans couple we were always so welcome at the Grand Hotel. When our daughter returned from 8 months of school in America, they treated us to a special meal and welcomed her back as if she was one of them. My husband Heine has died but we always talked bout the Reich family. It is a pity we never saw them after we moved to Cape Town. I, Louisa, wish them well.

  3. Lawrence Berzen

    January 29, 2016 at 1:51 am

    ‘Kol Ha Kavod to The Reich’s 

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