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Letters/Discussion Forums

Name, shame and imprison abusers



Dion Fransman

Secular or “frum”, it doesn’t matter, the abuser is a coward. The worst thing a real man ever wants to be called is a coward, and that is what they are.

If they are “frum” they hide beneath their yarmulkes and their front doors. If they are secular they hide behind their front doors and whichever other dark hole hides them from the public eye.

Let me draw an analogy between people like them and an unkosher animal. Let’s take the pig as an example. The pig outwardly displays to the world its split hooves trying to convince us that it is kosher. However, internally the pig does not chew the cud and its true essence is revealed – it is in fact treif.

You – you know who you are – pretend to be so humble and such a mensch. You can lie to the world but you can’t lie to your family, and you can’t lie to yourself.

Abusers- your wives and children are not there for your sick pleasure. People like you should be named and shamed, and sent to prison where even hardened criminals despise people like you.

If justice is not served and you continue to live among us, then I implore you to join a hardcore fighting gym and feel what it’s like to have broken bones and be hit from one side of the room to the other.



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