Jewish News

Netanyahu likes Sydenham Shul’s ‘Miracle at Entebbe’
Prime Minister Netanyahu said he was sorry not to have been able to visit South Africa during his recent visit to Entebbe, Uganda and other African countries.
He expressed the hope that he will one day have the opportunity to come to South Africa and cement the special ties between Israel and South Africa and between the Jewish communities of both countries. In his letter he quoted from the script of the Sydenham video, which spoke about all Jews being responsible for one another.
“Miracle at Entebbe,” has so far been seen on YouTube by over 291 000 viewers, including one prime minister!
A link to the video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xCxzdU9dQo.

Max Benjami
November 27, 2016 at 8:02 pm
‘Wow!short, concise and incredibly factual. Great production’